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Excel word ppt office使用技巧大全(DOC格式)-第126章

按键盘上方向键 ← 或 → 可快速上下翻页,按键盘上的 Enter 键可回到本书目录页,按键盘上方向键 ↑ 可回到本页顶部!

     v = Int((5 * Rnd) + 1)   

     Cells(i; 1) = v   


     End Sub   

     解答 3:是这样的:我有无数的随机数,是由 rand()产生的,(这是以前输的,我不想 


     当我获得一组合适的值的时候,我就在 A1 格内输入 1,从而使随机数固定在那组满意的 

值。下一组时,我在 A1 格输入 0。就是这样。  

     解答 4:可不可以把满意的那组贴成数值到新表?当然是用 vba 来实现的。   

     Sub g()   


     Worksheets。Add after:=Worksheets(Worksheets。Count)   

     Sheets(Worksheets。Count)。Cells(1; 1)。Select   

     Selection。PasteSpecial Paste:=xlvalues   

     Sheets(1)。Cells(1; 1) = 1   

     End Sub   

     解答 5:   

     Private Sub mandButton1_Click()   

     Dim a; b As Integer   

     For a = 1 To 2 '产生第一次随机数   

     For b = 1 To 3   

     Cells(a; b) = Int((8 * Rnd) + 1)   


…………………………………………………………Page 406……………………………………………………………


Next b   

Next a   

Dim c As Integer   

For c = 1 To 10 ’询问是否对随机数满意   

If (MsgBox(〃did u think the random are ok?〃; 260)) = vbYes Then   

Cells(3; 1) = 1 '如果需要一个 0 或 1 的单元格给其它程序块使用   

Exit Sub '满意就退出   

Else '不满意就继续产生随机数   

For a = 1 To 2   

For b = 1 To 3   

Cells(a; b) = Int((8 * Rnd) + 1)   

Next b   

Next a   

Cells(3; 1) = 0   

End If   

Next c   

MsgBox 〃if u want to continue rondom number press cmd1 again please〃   

End Sub  

解答 6 简化一下:  

Sub test()  

Upper = 0  

Bottom = 100  

Do While Range(〃A1〃)  1  

Range(〃E1〃) = Int(Rnd() * (Upper Bottom + 1)) + Bottom  

Response = MsgBox(〃Do you accept the number?〃; vbYesNo + vbDefaultButton2)  

If Response = vbYes Then Range(〃A1〃) = 1  


End Sub  


…………………………………………………………Page 407……………………………………………………………



比如现在有一个 长度是 9 位的字符串 (ABCDEFGHI),想列出全部的只取其中 7个字符的组合值:  


解答:Sub bination()  

    Dim a; b; c; d; e; f; g; h;  i; j; k As  Integer  

    Dim str As String  


    For a = 0 To  1  

        For b = 0 To 2 Step 2  

            For c = 0 To 3 Step 3  

                For d = 0 To 4 Step 4  

                    For e = 0 To 5 Step 5  

                        For f = 0 To 6 Step 6  

                            For g = 0 To 7 Step 7  

                                For h = 0 To 8 Step 8  

                                    For  i = 0 To 9 Step 9  

                                        k = a /  1 + b / 2 + c / 3 + d / 4 + e / 5 + f / 6 + g / 7 + h / 8 +  i / 9  

                                         If k = 7 Then  

                                            str = 〃〃  

                                             If a  0 Then str = str & 〃A〃  

                                             If b  0 Then str = str & 〃B〃  

                                             If c  0 Then str = str & 〃C〃  

                                             If d  0 Then str = str & 〃D〃  

                                             If e  0 Then str = str & 〃E〃  

                                             If f  0 Then str = str & 〃F〃  

                                             If g  0 Then str = str & 〃G〃  

                                             If h  0 Then str = str & 〃H〃  

                                             If  i  0 Then str = str & 〃I〃  



                                        End  If  

                                    Next  i  

                                Next h  

                            Next g  

                        Next f  

                    Next e  

                Next d  

            Next c  

        Next b  

    Next a  

End Sub   

如用 MID 函数,修改一下以上程序可得到任意长度为 9 的字符串的任取 7 个字符的组合。  

解答 2:用公式的解:  


…………………………………………………………Page 408……………………………………………………………



。Value = 〃〃   

GoTo ex   

End If   

If Trim(Target) = 〃〃 Then   

If Trim(。Offset(1; 0)) = 〃〃 Then   

If 。Row = 5 Then   

。Offset(…1; 0) = 〃〃   

ElseIf 。Row 》 5 Then   

。Offset(…1; 0) = 〃=SUM(〃 & 。Offset(…1; 0)。End(xlUp)。Address(False; False; xlA1) & 〃:〃  

& 。Offset(…2; 0)。Address(False; False; xlA1) & 〃)〃   

End If   

End If   

If 。Offset(1; 0)。HasFormula And 。Row = 4 Then 。O
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