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按键盘上方向键 ← 或 → 可快速上下翻页,按键盘上的 Enter 键可回到本书目录页,按键盘上方向键 ↑ 可回到本页顶部!


                   #0035  // Generated message map functions 

                   #0036  protected: 

                   #0037   //{{AFX_MSG(CMainFrame) 

                   #0038   afx_msg int OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct); 

                   #0039       // NOTE the ClassWizard will add and remove member functions here。 

                   #0040       //    DO NOT EDIT what you see in these blocks of generated code! 

                   #0041   //}}AFX_MSG 

                   #0042   DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP () 

                   #0043  }; 


                   #0001  // ChildFrm。h : interface of the CChildFrame class 

                   #0002  // 

                   #0003  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 


                   #0005  class CChildFrame : public CMDIChildWnd 

                   #0006  { 

                   #0007   DECLARE_DYNCREATE (CChildFrame) 

                   #0008  public: 

                   #0009   CChildFrame(); 


                   #0011  // Attributes 

                   #0012  public: 


                   #0014  // Operations 

                   #0015  public: 


                   #0017  // Overrides 

                   #0018   // ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides 

                   #0019   //{{AFX_VIRTUAL(CChildFrame) 

                   #0020   virtual BOOL PreCreateWindow(CREATESTRUCT& cs); 

                   #0021   //}}AFX_VIRTUAL 


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                                            第4章    Visual C++  整合性軟體開發環境 


#0023  // Implementation 

#0024  public: 

#0025   virtual ~CChildFrame(); 

#0026  #ifdef _DEBUG 

#0027   virtual void AssertValid() const; 

#0028   virtual void Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const; 

#0029  #endif 


#0031  // Generated message map functions 

#0032  protected: 

#0033   //{{AFX_MSG(CChildFrame) 

#0034       // NOTE the ClassWizard will add and remove member functions here。 

#0035       //    DO NOT EDIT what you see in these blocks of generated code! 

#0036   //}}AFX_MSG 


#0038  }; 


#0001  // ScribbleDoc。h : interface of the CScribbleDoc class 

#0002  // 

#0003  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 


#0005  class CScribbleDoc : public CDocument 

#0006  { 

#0007  protected: // create from serialization only 

#0008   CScribbleDoc(); 

#0009   DECLARE_DYNCREATE (CScribbleDoc) 


#0011  // Attributes 

#0012  public: 


#0014  // Operations 

#0015  public: 


#0017  // Overrides 

#0018   // ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides 

#0019   //{{AFX_VIRTUAL(CScribbleDoc) 

#0020   public: 

#0021   virtual BOOL OnNewDocument(); 

#0022   virtual void Serialize (CArchive& ar); 

#0023   //}}AFX_VIRTUAL 


#0025  // Implementation 

#0026  public: 


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                   第篇    欲善工事先利其器 

                   #0027   virtual ~CScribbleDoc(); 

                   #0028  #ifdef _DEBUG 

                   #0029   virtual void AssertValid() const; 

                   #0030   virtual void Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const; 

                   #0031  #endif 


                   #0033  protected: 


                   #0035  // Generated message map functions 

                   #0036  protected: 

                   #0037   //{{AFX_MSG(CScribbleDoc) 

                   #0038       // NOTE the ClassWizard will add and remove member functions here。 

                   #0039       //    DO NOT EDIT what you see in these blocks of generated code ! 

                   #0040   //}}AFX_MSG 

                   #0041   DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP () 

                   #0042  }; 


                   #0001  // ScribbleView。h : interface of the CScribbleView class 

                   #0002  // 

                   #0003  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 


                   #0005  class CScribbleView : public CView 

                   #0006  { 

                   #0007  protected: // create from serialization only 

                   #0008   CScribbleView(); 

                   #0009   DECLARE_DYNCREATE (CScribbleView) 


                   #0011  // Attributes 

                   #0012  public: 

                   #0013   CScribbleDoc* GetDocument(); 


                   #0015  // Operations 

                   #0016  public: 


                   #0018  // Overrides 

                   #0019   // ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides 

                   #0020   //{{AFX_VIRTUAL(CScribbleView) 

                   #0021   public: 

                   #0022   virtual void OnDraw (CDC* pDC);  // overridden to draw this view 

                   #0023   virtual BOOL PreCreateWindow(CREATESTRUCT& cs); 

                   #0024   protected: 

                   #0025   virtual BOOL OnPreparePrinting(CPrintInfo* pInfo); 

                   #0026   virtual void OnBeginPrinting(CDC* pDC; CPrintInfo* pInfo); 

                   #0027   virtual void OnEndPrinting(CDC* pDC; CPrintInfo* pInfo); 


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                                            第4章    Visual C++  整合性軟體開發環境 

#0028   //}}AFX_VIRTUAL 


#0030  // Implementation 

#0031  public: 

#0032   virtual ~CScribbleView(); 

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温馨提示: 温看小说的同时发表评论,说出自己的看法和其它小伙伴们分享也不错哦!发表书评还可以获得积分和经验奖励,认真写原创书评 被采纳为精评可以获得大量金币、积分和经验奖励哦!