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    (via CScribbleDoc::Serialize)。 

ScribbleView。h; ScribbleView。cpp the view of the document 

    These files contain your CScribbleView class。 

    CScribbleView objects are used to view CScribbleDoc objects。 


    This is an icon file; which is used as the icon for MDI child windows 

    for the CScribbleDoc class。  This icon is included by the main 

    resource file Scribble。rc。 


Other standard files: 

StdAfx。h; StdAfx。cpp 

    These files are used to build a prepiled header (PCH) file 

    named Scribble。pch and a prepiled types file named StdAfx。obj。 


    This is the standard header file; which defines new resource IDs。 

    Microsoft Developer Studio reads and updates this file。 


Other notes: 

AppWizard uses 〃TODO:〃 to indicate parts of the source code you 

should add to or customize。 


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                  第篇    欲善工事先利其器 

                  If your application uses MFC in a shared DLL; and your application is 

                  in a language other than the operating system's current language; you 

                  will need to copy the corresponding localized resources MFC40XXX。DLL 

                  from the Microsoft Visual C++ CD…ROM onto the system or system32 directory; 

                  and rename it to be MFCLOC。DLL。  (〃XXX〃 stands for the language abbreviation。 

                  For example; MFC40DEU。DLL contains resources translated to German。)  If you 

                  don't do this; some of the UI elements of your application will remain in the 

                  language of the operating system。 

                  图4…8 Scribble 程序的readme。txt 档。 

                  别忘了,AppWizard 产生的是化学反应而不是物理反应,是不能够还原的。我们很容易 


                  步已是百年身,不能稍后又回到AppWizard 要求去掉或改变某些选项,例如想把SDI 改 

                  为MDI 或是想增加OLE 支持等等,都不能够。欲变更程序,只有两条路可走:要不 

                  就令AppWizard 重新产生一组新的程序骨干,然后回到原程序中打捞点什么可以用的, 

                  以Copy/Paste 方式移植过来;要不就是直接进入原来程序修修补补。至于修补过程中到 



                  Scribble 是第四篇程序的起点。我将在第四篇以每章一个主题的方式,为它加上新的功 

                  能。下面是Scribble step0 的源代码。 


                  #0001  // Scribble。h : main header file for the SCRIBBLE application 

                  #0002  // 


                  #0004  #ifndef __AFXWIN_H__ 

                  #0005   #error include 'stdafx。h' before including this file for PCH 

                  #0006  #endif 


                  #0008  #include 〃resource。h〃       // main symbols 


                  #0010  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 

                  #0011  // CScribbleApp: 

                  #0012  // See Scribble。cpp for the implementation of this class 

                  #0013  // 


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                                            第4章    Visual C++  整合性軟體開發環境 


#0015  class CScribbleApp : public CWinApp 

#0016  { 

#0017  public: 

#0018   CScribbleApp(); 


#0020  // Overrides 

#0021   // ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides 

#0022   //{{AFX_VIRTUAL(CScribbleApp) 

#0023   public: 

#0024   virtual BOOL InitInstance (); 

#0025   //}}AFX_VIRTUAL 


#0027  // Implementation 


#0029   //{{AFX_MSG(CScribbleApp) 

#0030   afx_msg void OnAppAbout(); 

#0031       // NOTE the ClassWizard will add and remove member functions here。 

#0032       //    DO NOT EDIT what you see in these blocks of generated code ! 

#0033   //}}AFX_MSG 


#0035  }; 


#0001  // MainFrm。h : interface of the CMainFrame class 

#0002  // 

#0003  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 


#0005  class CMainFrame : public CMDIFrameWnd 

#0006  { 

#0007   DECLARE_DYNAMIC (CMainFrame) 

#0008  public: 

#0009   CMainFrame(); 


#0011  // Attributes 

#0012  public: 


#0014  // Operations 

#0015  public: 


#0017  // Overrides 

#0018   // ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides 

#0019   //{{AFX_VIRTUAL(CMainFrame) 

#0020   virtual BOOL PreCreateWindow(CREATESTRUCT& cs); 

#0021   //}}AFX_VIRTUAL 


…………………………………………………………Page 334……………………………………………………………

                   第篇    欲善工事先利其器 


                   #0023  // Implementation 

                   #0024  public: 

                   #0025   virtual ~CMainFrame(); 

                   #0026  #ifdef _DEBUG 

                   #0027   virtual void AssertValid() const; 

                   #0028   virtual void Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const; 

                   #0029  #endif 


                   #0031  protected:  // control bar embedded members 

                   #0032   CStatusBar  m_wndStatusBar; 

                   #0033   CToolBar    m_wndToolBar; 


                   #0035  // Generated message map functions 

                   #0036  protected:
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