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                                      第4章    Visual C++  整合性軟體開發環境 



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              第篇    欲善工事先利其器 





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                                        第4章    Visual C++  整合性軟體開發環境 

 AppWizard 总是为一般的应用程序产生五个类别。我所谓的「一般程序」是指non…OLE 

 以及non…ODBC 程序。针对上述的Scribble 程序,它产生的类别列于图4…7 。 

 类别名称          基础类别         类别声明于        类别定义于 

 CScribbleApp     CWinApp        Scribble。h     Scribble。cpp 

 CMainFrame       CMDIFrameWnd   Mainfrm。h      Mainfrm。cpp 

 CChildFrame      CMDIChildWnd   Childfrm。h     Childfrm。cpp 

 CScribbleDoc     CDocument      ScribbleDoc。h  ScribbleDoc。cpp 

 CScribbleView    CView          ScribbleView。h ScribbleView。cpp 

 图4…7 Scribble Step0 ( 骨干程序)中,各个类别的相关资料。事实上Scribble 

      程序中用到了 9 个类别,不过只有上述 5 个类别需要改写 (override)。 

你最好把哪一个类别衍生自哪一个MFC 类别弄清楚,并搞懂AppWizard  的命名规则。 


       'C' + ProjectName + Classtype = Class Name 

所有的类别名称都由AppWizard  自动命名,如果你喜欢,也可以在AppWizard  的步骤六 

改变之。这些类别名称可以很长很长(Windows 95 与Windows NT 均支持长档名)。每 

个类别都对应一个。H       (类别声明)和一个。CPP       (类别定义)。 

AppWizard 十分周到地为我们产生了一个README。TXT ,对各个文件都有解释(图4

8) 。从激活AppWizard 到建立Scribble。exe ,如果你是熟手,机器又不慢的话,不需要 




…………………………………………………………Page 330……………………………………………………………

                  第篇    欲善工事先利其器 


                         MICROSOFT FOUNDATION CLASS LIBRARY : Scribble 


                  AppWizard has created this Scribble application for you。  This application 

                  not only demonstrates the basics of using the Microsoft Foundation classes 

                  but is also a starting point for writing your application。 

                  This file contains a summary of what you will find in each of the files that 

                  make up your Scribble application。 


                      This is the main header file for the application。  It includes other 

                      project specific headers (including Resource。h) and declares the 

                      CScribbleApp application class。 


                      This is the main application source file that contains the application 

                      class CScribbleApp。 


                      This is a listing of all of the Microsoft Windows resources that the 

                      program uses。  It includes the icons; bitmaps; and cursors that are stored 

                      in the RES subdirectory。  This file can be directly edited in Microsoft 

                       Developer Studio。 


                      This is an icon file; which is used as the application's icon。  This 

                      icon is included by the main resource file Scribble。rc。 


                      This file contains resources that are not edited by Microsoft 

                       Developer Studio。  You should place all resources not 

                       editable by the resource editor in this file。 


                      This file contains information used by ClassWizard to edit existing 

                      classes or add new classes。  ClassWizard also uses this file to store 

                      information needed to create and edit message maps and dialog data 

                      maps and to create prototype member functions。 


                  For the main frame window: 


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                                          第4章    Visual C++  整合性軟體開發環境 

MainFrm。h; MainFrm。cpp 

    These files contain the frame class CMainFrame; which is derived from 

    CMDIFrameWnd and controls all MDI frame features。 


    This bitmap file is used to create tiled images for the toolbar。 

    The initial toolbar and status bar are constructed in the 

    CMainFrame class。  Edit this toolbar bitmap along with the 

    array in MainFrm。cpp to add more toolbar buttons。 


AppWizard creates one document type and one view: 

ScribbleDoc。h; ScribbleDoc。cpp the document 

    These files contain your CScribbleDoc class。  Edit these files to 

    add your special document data and to implement file saving and loading 

    (via CScribbleDoc::Serialize)。 

ScribbleView。h; ScribbleView。cpp the view of the document 

    These f
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