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#0143          CClientDC dc(this); 

#0144          OnPrepareDC(&dc); 

#0145          dc。DPtoLP(&point); 


#0147          m_pStrokeCur = GetDocument()…》NewStroke(); 

#0148          // Add first point to the new stroke 

#0149          m_pStrokeCur…》m_pointArray。Add(point); 


#0151          SetCapture();       // Capture the mouse until button up。 

#0152          m_ptPrev = point;   // Serves as the MoveTo() anchor point for the 

#0153                                // LineTo() the next point; as the user drags the 

#0154                                // mouse。 


#0156          return; 

#0157  } 


#0159  void CScribbleView::OnLButtonUp(UINT; CPoint point) 

#0160  { 

#0161          // Mouse button up is interesting in the Scribble application 

#0162          // only if the user is currently drawing a new stroke by dragging 

#0163          // the captured mouse。 


#0165          if (GetCapture() != this) 

#0166                  return; // If this window (view) didn't capture the mouse; 

#0167                                  // then the user isn't drawing in this window。 


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                   第五篇    附錄  


                   #0169          CScribbleDoc* pDoc = GetDocument(); 


                   #0171          CClientDC dc(this); 


                   #0173          // CScrollView changes the viewport origin and mapping mode。 

                   #0174          // It's necessary to convert the point from device coordinates 

                   #0175          // to logical coordinates; such as are stored in the document。 

                   #0176          OnPrepareDC(&dc);  // set up mapping mode and viewport origin 

                   #0177          dc。DPtoLP(&point); 


                   #0179          CPen* pOldPen = dc。SelectObject(pDoc…》GetCurrentPen()); 

                   #0180          dc。MoveTo(m_ptPrev); 

                   #0181          dc。LineTo(point); 

                   #0182          dc。SelectObject(pOldPen); 

                   #0183          m_pStrokeCur…》m_pointArray。Add(point); 


                   #0185          // Tell the stroke item that we're done adding points to it。 

                   #0186          // This is so it can finish puting its bounding rectangle。 

                   #0187          m_pStrokeCur…》FinishStroke(); 


                   #0189          // Tell the other views that this stroke has been added 

                   #0190          // so that they can invalidate this stroke's area in their 

                   #0191          // client area。 

                   #0192          pDoc…》UpdateAllViews(this; 0L; m_pStrokeCur); 


                   #0194          ReleaseCapture();   // Release the mouse capture established at 

                   #0195                                 // the beginning of the mouse drag。 

                   #0196          return; 

                   #0197  } 


                   #0199  void CScribbleView::OnMouseMove(UINT; CPoint point) 

                   #0200  { 

                   #0201          // Mouse movement is interesting in the Scribble application 

                   #0202          // only if the user is currently drawing a new stroke by dragging 

                   #0203          // the captured mouse。 


                   #0205          if (GetCapture() != this) 

                   #0206                  return; // If this window (view) didn't capture the mouse; 

                   #0207                             // then the user isn't drawing in this window。 


                   #0209          CClientDC dc(this); 

                   #0210          // CScrollView changes the viewport origin and mapping mode。 

                   #0211          // It's necessary to convert the point from device coordinates 

                   #0212          // to logical coordinates; such as are stored in the document。 

                   #0213          OnPrepareDC(&dc); 


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                                                     附錄B    Scribble Step5  完整原始碼 

#0214          dc。DPtoLP(&point); 


#0216          m_pStrokeCur…》m_pointArray。Add(point); 


#0218          // Draw a line from the previous detected point in the mouse 

#0219          // drag to the current point。 

#0220          CPen* pOldPen = dc。SelectObject(GetDocument()…》GetCurrentPen()); 

#0221          dc。MoveTo(m_ptPrev); 

#0222          dc。LineTo(point); 

#0223          dc。SelectObject(pOldPen); 

#0224          m_ptPrev = point; 

#0225          return; 

#0226  } 


#0228  void CScribbleView::OnUpdate(CView* /* pSender */; LPARAM /* lHint */; 

#0229          CObject* pHint) 

#0230  { 

#0231          // The document has informed this view that some data has changed。 


#0233          if (pHint != NULL) 

#0234          { 

#0235                  if (pHint…》IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CStroke))) 

#0236                  { 

#0237                          // The hint is that a stroke as been added (or changed)。 

#0238                          // So; invalidate its rectangle。 

#0239                          CStroke* pStroke = (CStroke*)pHint; 

#0240                          CClientDC dc(this); 

#0241                          OnPrepareDC(&dc); 

#0242                          CRect rectInvalid = pStroke…》GetBoundingRect(); 

#0243                          dc。LPtoDP(&rectInvalid); 

#0244                          InvalidateRect(&rectInvalid); 

#0245                          return; 

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