按键盘上方向键 ← 或 → 可快速上下翻页,按键盘上的 Enter 键可回到本书目录页,按键盘上方向键 ↑ 可回到本页顶部!
#0130 }
#0132 CStroke::CStroke(UINT nPenWidth)
#0133 {
#0134 m_nPenWidth = nPenWidth;
#0135 m_rectBounding。SetRectEmpty();
#0136 }
#0138 void CStroke::Serialize(CArchive& ar)
#0139 {
#0140 if (ar。IsStoring())
#0141 {
#0142 ar m_rectBounding;
#0149 WORD w;
#0150 ar 》》 w;
#0151 m_nPenWidth = w;
#0152 m_pointArray。Serialize(ar);
#0153 }
#0154 }
#0156 BOOL CStroke::DrawStroke(CDC* pDC)
#0157 {
#0158 CPen penStroke;
#0159 if (!penStroke。CreatePen(PS_SOLID; m_nPenWidth; RGB(0;0;0)))
#0160 return FALSE;
#0161 CPen* pOldPen = pDC…》SelectObject(&penStroke);
#0162 pDC…》MoveTo(m_pointArray'0');
#0163 for (int i=1; i 《 m_pointArray。GetSize(); i++)
#0164 {
#0165 pDC…》LineTo(m_pointArray'i');
#0166 }
#0168 pDC…》SelectObject(pOldPen);
#0169 return TRUE;
#0170 }
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附錄B Scribble Step5 完整原始碼
#0171 void CScribbleDoc::OnEditClearAll()
#0172 {
#0173 DeleteContents();
#0174 SetModifiedFlag(); // Mark the document as having been modified; for
#0175 // purposes of confirming File Close。
#0176 UpdateAllViews(NULL);
#0177 }
#0179 void CScribbleDoc::OnPenThickOrThin()
#0180 {
#0181 // Toggle the state of the pen between thin or thick。
#0182 m_bThickPen = !m_bThickPen;
#0184 // Change the current pen to reflect the new user…specified width。
#0185 ReplacePen();
#0186 }
#0188 void CScribbleDoc::ReplacePen()
#0189 {
#0190 m_nPenWidth = m_bThickPen? m_nThickWidth : m_nThinWidth;
#0192 // Change the current pen to reflect the new user…specified width。
#0193 m_penCur。DeleteObject();
#0194 m_penCur。CreatePen(PS_SOLID; m_nPenWidth; RGB(0;0;0)); // solid black
#0195 }
#0197 void CScribbleDoc::OnUpdateEditClearAll(CCmdUI* pCmdUI)
#0198 {
#0199 // Enable the mand user interface object (menu item or tool bar
#0200 // button) if the document is non…empty; i。e。; has at least one stroke。
#0201 pCmdUI…》Enable(!m_strokeList。IsEmpty());
#0202 }
#0204 void CScribbleDoc::OnUpdatePenThickOrThin(CCmdUI* pCmdUI)
#0205 {
#0206 // Add check mark to Draw Thick Line menu item; if the current
#0207 // pen width is 〃thick〃。
#0208 pCmdUI…》SetCheck(m_bThickPen);
#0209 }
#0211 void CScribbleDoc::OnPenWidths()
#0212 {
#0213 CPenWidthsDlg dlg;
#0214 // Initialize dialog data
#0215 dlg。m_nThinWidth = m_nThinWidth;
#0216 dlg。m_nThickWidth = m_nThickWidth;
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第五篇 附錄
#0218 // Invoke the dialog box
#0219 if (dlg。DoModal() == IDOK)
#0220 {
#0221 // retrieve the dialog data
#0222 m_nThinWidth = dlg。m_nThinWidth;
#0223 m_nThickWidth = dlg。m_nThickWidth;
#0225 // Update the pen that is used by views when drawing new strokes;
#0226 // to reflect the new pen width definitions for 〃thick〃 and 〃thin〃。
#0227 ReplacePen();
#0228 }
#0229 }
#0231 void CStroke::FinishStroke()
#0232 {
#0233 // Calculate the bounding rectangle。 It's needed for smart
#0234 // repainting。
#0236 if (m_pointArray。GetSize()==0)
#0237 {
#0238 m_rectBounding。SetRectEmpty();
#0239 return;
#0240 }
#0241 CPoint pt = m_pointArray'0';
#0242 m_rectBounding = CRect(pt。x; pt。y; pt。x; pt。y);
#0244 for (int i=1; i 《 m_pointArray。GetSize(); i++)
#0245 {
#0246 // If