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                  到m_dArray 二维数组中。 



                   #0002  BOOL CGridDlg::OnInitDialog() 

                   #0003  { 

                   #0004      CString str; 

                   #0005      int   i; j; 


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                             16                            ponents & ActiveX Controls 

                          第 章 站眾的肩膀 使用 

#0006      CRect rect; 


#0008      CDialog::OnInitDialog(); 


#0010      VERIFY(m_OcxGrid。GetCols() == (long)MAXCOL); 

#0011      VERIFY(m_OcxGrid。GetRows() == (long)MAXROW); 


#0013      m_OcxGrid。SetRow(0);             // #0 Row 

#0014      for (i = 0; i 《 MAXCOL; i++) {   // 所有的 Cols 

#0015          if (i) { // column headings 

#0016              m_OcxGrid。SetCol(i); 

#0017              if (i == (MAXCOL…1)) 

#0018                  m_OcxGrid。SetText(CString(〃Total〃)); 

#0019              else 

#0020                  m_OcxGrid。SetText(CString('A' + i 1)); 

#0021          } 

#0022      } 


#0024      m_OcxGrid。SetCol(0);             // #0 Col 

#0025      for (j = 0; j 《 MAXROW; j++) {   // 所有的 Rows 

#0026          if (j) { // row headings 

#0027              m_OcxGrid。SetRow(j); 

#0028              if (j == (MAXROW…1)) 

#0029                  m_OcxGrid。SetText(CString(〃Total〃)); 

#0030              else { 

#0031                  str。Format(〃%d〃; j); 

#0032                  m_OcxGrid。SetText(str); 

#0033              } 

#0034          } 

#0035      } 


#0037      // sets the spreadsheet values from m_dArray 

#0038      for (i = 1; i 《 (MAXCOL…1); i++) { 

#0039          m_OcxGrid。SetCol(i); 

#0040          for (j = 1; j 《 (MAXROW…1); j++) { 

#0041              m_OcxGrid。SetRow(j); 

#0042              str。Format(〃%8。2f〃; m_dArray'i''j'); 

#0043              m_OcxGrid。SetText(str); 

#0044          } 

#0045      } 


#0047      puteSums(); 


#0049      // be sure there's a selected cell 

#0050      m_OcxGrid。SetCol(1); 

#0051      m_OcxGrid。SetRow(1); 


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                   第篇    深入  MFC  程式設計 

                   #0052      m_cellValue = m_OcxGrid。GetText(); 

                   #0053      UpdateData(FALSE); // calls DoDataExchange to update edit control 

                   #0054      return TRUE; 

                   #0055  } 


                   #0057  void CGridDlg::OnOK() 

                   #0058  { 

                   #0059      int i; j; 


                   #0061      for (i = 1; i 《 (MAXCOL…1); i++) { 

                   #0062          m_OcxGrid。SetCol(i); 

                   #0063          for (j = 1; j 《 (MAXROW…1); j++) { 

                   #0064              m_OcxGrid。SetRow(j); 

                   #0065              m_dArray'i''j' = atof(m_OcxGrid。GetText()); 

                   #0066          } 

                   #0067      } 

                   #0068      CDialog::OnOK(); 

                   #0069  } 


                   #0071  void CGridDlg::OnUpdatevalue() 

                   #0072  { 

                   #0073      CString str; 

                   #0074      double value; 

                   #0075      // LONG   lRow; lCol; 

                   #0076      int   Row; Col; 


                   #0078      if (m_OcxGrid。GetCellSelected() == 0) { 

                   #0079        AfxMessageBox(〃No cell selected〃); 

                   #0080        return; 

                   #0081      } 


                   #0083      UpdateData(TRUE); 

                   #0084      value = atof(m_cellValue); 

                   #0085      str。Format(〃%8。2f〃; value); 


                   #0087      // saves current cell selection 

                   #0088      Col = m_OcxGrid。GetCol(); 

                   #0089      Row = m_OcxGrid。GetRow(); 


                   #0091      m_OcxGrid。SetText(str); // copies new value to 

                   #0092                              //  the selected cell 

                   #0093      puteSums(); 


                   #0095      // restores current cell selection 

                   #0096      m_OcxGrid。SetCol(Col); 

                   #0097      m_OcxGrid。SetRow(Row); 


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                             16                           ponents & ActiveX Controls 

                          第 章 站眾的肩膀 使用 

#0098  } 


#0100  void CGridDlg::OnSelChangeGrid() 

#0101  { 

#0102      if (m_OcxGrid) { 

#0103          m_cellValue = m_OcxGrid。GetText(); 

#0104          UpdateData(FALSE); // calls DoDataExchange to update edit 


#0105          GotoDlgCtrl(GetDlgItem(IDC_VALUE)); // position edit control 

#0106      } 

#0107  } 


#0109  void CGridDlg::puteSums() 

#0110  { 

#0111      int    i; j; nRows; nCols; 

#0112      double sum; 

#0113      CString str; 


#0115      // adds up each row and puts the sum in the right col 

#0116      // col count could have been changed by add row/delete row 

#0117      nCols = (int) m_OcxGrid。GetCols(); 

#0118      for (j = 1; j 《 (MAXROW…1); j++) { 

#0119          m_OcxGrid。SetRow(j); 

#0120          sum = 0。0; 

#0121          for (i = 1; i 《 nCols 1; i++) { 

#0122              m_OcxGrid。SetCol(i); 

#0123              sum += atof(m_OcxGrid。GetText()); 

#0124          } 

#0125          str。Format(〃%8。2f〃; sum); 

#0126          m_OcxGrid。SetCol(nCols 1); 

#0127          m_OcxGri
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