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                    #0114          SetTimer(1; 750; NULL); 


                    #0116          return 0; 

                    #0117  } 


                    #0119  void CSplashWnd::OnPaint() 

                    #0120  { 

                    #0121          CPaintDC dc(this); 


                    #0123          CDC dcImage; 

                    #0124          if (!dcImage。CreatepatibleDC(&dc)) 

                    #0125                  return; 


                    #0127          BITMAP bm; 

                    #0128          m_bitmap。GetBitmap(&bm); 


                    #0130          // Paint the image。 

                    #0131          CBitmap* pOldBitmap = dcImage。SelectObject(&m_bitmap); 

                    #0132          dc。BitBlt(0; 0; bm。bmWidth; bm。bmHeight; &dcImage; 0; 0; SRCCOPY); 

                    #0133          dcImage。SelectObject(pOldBitmap); 

                    #0134  } 


                    #0136  void CSplashWnd::OnTimer(UINT nIDEvent) 

                    #0137  { 

                    #0138          // Destroy the splash screen window。 

                    #0139          HideSplashScreen(); 

                    #0140  } 

                   TIPDLG。H (全新內容 ) 

                    #0001  #if !defined(TIPDLG_H_INCLUDED_) 

                    #0002  #define TIPDLG_H_INCLUDED_ 


                    #0004  // CG: This file added by 'Tip of the Day' ponent。 


                    #0006  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 

                    #0007  // CTipDlg dialog 


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                            16                           ponents & ActiveX Controls 

                         第 章 站眾的肩膀 使用 


#0009  class CTipDlg : public CDialog 

#0010  { 

#0011  // Construction 

#0012  public: 

#0013          CTipDlg(CWnd* pParent = NULL);   // standard constructor 


#0015  // Dialog Data 

#0016          //{{AFX_DATA(CTipDlg) 

#0017          // enum { IDD = IDD_TIP }; 

#0018          BOOL    m_bStartup; 

#0019          CString m_strTip; 

#0020          //}}AFX_DATA 


#0022          FILE* m_pStream; 


#0024  // Overrides 

#0025          // ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides 

#0026          //{{AFX_VIRTUAL(CTipDlg) 

#0027          protected: 

#0028          virtual void DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX);    // DDX/DDV support 

#0029          //}}AFX_VIRTUAL 


#0031  // Implementation 

#0032  public: 

#0033          virtual ~CTipDlg(); 


#0035  protected: 

#0036      // Generated message map functions 

#0037      //{{AFX_MSG(CTipDlg) 

#0038      afx_msg void OnNextTip(); 

#0039      afx_msg HBRUSH OnCtlColor(CDC* pDC; CWnd* pWnd; UINT nCtlColor); 

#0040      virtual void OnOK(); 

#0041      virtual BOOL OnInitDialog(); 

#0042      afx_msg void OnPaint(); 

#0043      //}}AFX_MSG 



#0046      void GetNextTipString(CString& strNext); 

#0047  }; 


#0049  #endif // !defined(TIPDLG_H_INCLUDED_) 

TIPDLG。CPP (全新內容 ) 

#0001  #include 〃stdafx。h〃 


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                   第篇    深入  MFC  程式設計 

                   #0002  #include 〃resource。h〃 


                   #0004  // CG: This file added by 'Tip of the Day' ponent。 


                   #0006  #include  

                   #0007  #include  

                   #0008  #include  


                   #0010  #ifdef _DEBUG 

                   #0011  #define new DEBUG_NEW 

                   #0012  #undef THIS_FILE 

                   #0013  static char THIS_FILE'' = __FILE__; 

                   #0014  #endif 


                   #0016  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 

                   #0017  // CTipDlg dialog 


                   #0019  #define MAX_BUFLEN 1000 


                   #0021  static const TCHAR szSection'' = _T(〃Tip〃); 

                   #0022  static const TCHAR szIntFilePos'' = _T(〃FilePos〃); 

                   #0023  static const TCHAR szTimeStamp'' = _T(〃TimeStamp〃); 

                   #0024  static const TCHAR szIntStartup'' = _T(〃StartUp〃); 


                   #0026  CTipDlg::CTipDlg(CWnd* pParent /*=NULL*/) 

                   #0027          : CDialog(IDD_TIP; pParent) 

                   #0028  { 

                   #0029      //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CTipDlg) 

                   #0030      m_bStartup = TRUE; 

                   #0031      //}}AFX_DATA_INIT 


                   #0033      // We need to find out what the startup and file position parameters are 

                   #0034      // If startup does not exist; we assume that the Tips on startup is checked TRUE。 

                   #0035      CWinApp* pApp = AfxGetApp(); 

                   #0036      m_bStartup = !pApp…》GetProfileInt(szSection; szIntStartup; 0); 

                   #0037      UINT iFilePos = pApp…》GetProfileInt(szSection; szIntFilePos; 0); 


                   #0039      // Now try to open the tips file 

                   #0040      m_pStream = fopen(〃tips。txt〃; 〃r〃); 

                   #0041      if (m_pStream == NULL) 

                   #0042      { 

                   #0043              m_strTip。LoadString(CG_IDS_FILE_ABSENT); 

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