按键盘上方向键 ← 或 → 可快速上下翻页,按键盘上的 Enter 键可回到本书目录页,按键盘上方向键 ↑ 可回到本页顶部!
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16 ponents & ActiveX Controls
第 章 站眾的肩膀 使用
#0016 void CMainFrame::OnInitMenu(CMenu* pMenu)
#0017 {
#0018 CMDIFrameWnd::OnInitMenu(pMenu);
#0020 // CG: This block added by 'Tip of the Day' ponent。
#0021 {
#0022 // TODO: This code adds the 〃Tip of the Day〃 menu item
#0023 // on the fly。 It may be removed after adding the menu
#0024 // item to all applicable menu items using the resource
#0025 // editor。
#0027 // Add Tip of the Day menu item on the fly!
#0028 static CMenu* pSubMenu = NULL;
#0030 CString strHelp; strHelp。LoadString(CG_IDS_TIPOFTHEDAYHELP);
#0031 CString strMenu;
#0032 int nMenuCount = pMenu…》GetMenuItemCount();
#0033 BOOL bFound = FALSE;
#0034 for (int i=0; i 《 nMenuCount; i++)
#0035 {
#0036 pMenu…》GetMenuString(i; strMenu; MF_BYPOSITION);
#0037 if (strMenu == strHelp)
#0038 {
#0039 pSubMenu = pMenu…》GetSubMenu(i);
#0040 bFound = TRUE;
#0041 ASSERT(pSubMenu != NULL);
#0042 }
#0043 }
#0045 CString strTipMenu;
#0046 strTipMenu。LoadString(CG_IDS_TIPOFTHEDAYMENU);
#0047 if (!bFound)
#0048 {
#0049 // Help menu is not available。 Please add it!
#0050 if (pSubMenu == NULL)
#0051 {
#0052 // The same pop…up menu is shared between mainfrm and
#0053 // with the doc。
#0054 static CMenu popUpMenu;
#0055 pSubMenu = &popUpMenu;
#0056 pSubMenu…》CreatePopupMenu();
#0057 pSubMenu…》InsertMenu(0; MF_STRING|MF_BYPOSITION;
#0058 CG_IDS_TIPOFTHEDAY; strTipMenu);
#0059 }
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第篇 深入 MFC 程式設計
#0061 (UINT)pSubMenu…》m_hMenu; strHelp);
#0062 DrawMenuBar();
#0063 }
#0064 else
#0065 {
#0066 // Check to see if the Tip of the Day menu has already been
#0067 pSubMenu…》GetMenuString(0; strMenu; MF_BYPOSITION);
#0069 if (strMenu != strTipMenu)
#0070 {
#0071 // Tip of the Day submenu has not been added to the
#0072 // first position; so add it。
#0073 pSubMenu…》InsertMenu(0; MF_BYPOSITION); // Separator
#0074 pSubMenu…》InsertMenu(0; MF_STRING|MF_BYPOSITION;
#0075 CG_IDS_TIPOFTHEDAY; strTipMenu);
#0076 }
#0077 }
#0078 }
#0080 }
SPLASH。H (全新內容 )
#0001 // CG: This file was added by the Splash Screen ponent。
#0003 #ifndef _SPLASH_SCRN_
#0004 #define _SPLASH_SCRN_
#0006 // Splash。h : header file
#0008 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
#0009 // Splash Screen class
#0011 class CSplashWnd : public CWnd
#0012 {
#0013 // Construction
#0014 protected:
#0015 CSplashWnd();
#0017 // Attributes:
#0018 public:
#0019 CBitmap m_bitmap;
#0021 // Operations
#0022 public:
#0023 static void EnableSplashScreen(BOOL bEnable = TRUE);
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16 ponents & ActiveX Controls
第 章 站眾的肩膀 使用
#0024 static void ShowSplashScreen(CWnd* pParentWnd = NULL);
#0025 static BOOL PreTranslateAppMessage(MSG* pMsg);
#0027 // Overrides
#0028 // ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides
#0029 //{{AFX_VIRTUAL(CSplashWnd)
#0030 //}}AFX_VIRTUAL
#0032 // Implementation
#0033 public:
#0034 ~CSplashWnd();
#0035 virtual void PostNcDestroy();
#0037 protected:
#0038 BOOL Create(CWnd* pParentWnd = NULL);
#0039 void HideSplashScreen();
#0040 static BOOL c_bShowSplashWnd;
#0041 static CSplashWnd* c_pSplashWnd;
#0043 // Generated message map functions
#0044 protected:
#0045 //{{AFX_MSG(CSplashWnd)
#0046 afx_msg int OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct);
#0047 afx_msg void OnPaint();
#0048 afx_msg void OnTimer(UINT nIDEvent);
#0049 //}}A