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        AFX_CMDHANDLERINFO* pHandlerInfo) 


        // pump through current view FIRST 

        CView* pView = GetActiveView(); 

        if (pView != NULL && pView…》OnCmdMsg (nID; nCode; pExtra; pHandlerInfo)) 

                return TRUE; 

        // then pump through frame 

        if  (CWnd::OnCmdMsg (nID; nCode; pExtra; pHandlerInfo)) 

                return TRUE; 

        // last but not least; pump through app 

        CWinApp* pApp = AfxGetApp(); 

        if (pApp != NULL && pApp…》OnCmdMsg (nID; nCode; pExtra; pHandlerInfo)) 

                return TRUE; 

        return FALSE; 


这里非常明显地兵分三路,正是为了实践MFC 这个Application Framework 对于命令讯 


     命令消息接收物的类型        处理次序 

     Frame                          1。 View 


                                    2。 Frame  窗口本身 

                                    3。 CWinApp 对象 

    View                            1。 View 本身 

                                    2。 Document 

     Document                       1。 Document  本身 

                                    2。 Document Template 

         图9…4 MFC 对于命令消息WM_MAND 的特殊处理顺序。 



…………………………………………………………Page 636……………………………………………………………

                    第篇    深入  MFC  程式設計 

                                          (        ) 

                    // in VIEWCORE。CPP  MFC 4。0 

                    BOOL CView::OnCmdMsg(UINT nID; int nCode; void* pExtra; 

                            AFX_CMDHANDLERINFO* pHandlerInfo) 


                        // first pump through pane 

                        if (CWnd::OnCmdMsg (nID; nCode; pExtra; pHandlerInfo)) 

                            return TRUE; 

                        // then pump through document 

                        BOOL bHandled = FALSE; 

                        if (m_pDocument != NULL) 


                            // special state for saving view before routing to document 

                            _AFX_THREAD_STATE* pThreadState = AfxGetThreadState(); 

                            CView* pOldRoutingView = pThreadState…》m_pRoutingView; 

                            pThreadState…》m_pRoutingView = this; 

                            bHandled = m_pDocument…》OnCmdMsg (nID; nCode; pExtra; pHandlerInfo); 

                            pThreadState…》m_pRoutingView = pOldRoutingView; 


                        return bHandled; 


                    这反应出图9…4 搜寻路径中「先View 而后Document 」的规划。由于CWnd 并未改写 


                                         (        ) 

                    // in CMDTARG。CPP  MFC 4。0 

                    BOOL CCmdTarget::OnCmdMsg (UINT nID; int nCode; void* pExtra; 

                            AFX_CMDHANDLERINFO* pHandlerInfo) 



                        // look through message map to see if it applies to us 

                        for (pMessageMap = GetMessageMap(); pMessageMap != NULL; 

                             pMessageMap = pMessageMap…》pBaseMap) 


                            lpEntry = AfxFindMessageEntry (pMessageMap…》lpEntries; nMsg; nCode; nID); 

                            if (lpEntry != NULL) 


                                // found it 

                                return DispatchCmdMsg (this; nID; nCode; 

                                        lpEntry…》pfn; pExtra; lpEntry…》nSig; pHandlerInfo); 



                        return FALSE;   // not handled 



…………………………………………………………Page 637……………………………………………………………

                                                         第9章   訊息映射與命令繞行   

其中的AfxFindMessageEntry  动作稍早我已列出。 


 「节外生枝」,只能乖乖比对CCmdTarget 的消息映射表。如果没有发现吻合者,传回 

FALSE ,引起CView::OnCmdMsg 接下去调用m_pDocument…》OnCmdMsg 。如果有吻合 

者,调用全域函数DispatchCmdMsg : 

static BOOL DispatchCmdMsg (CCmdTarget* pTarget; UINT nID; int nCode; 

        AFX_PMSG pfn; void* pExtra; UINT nSig; AFX_CMDHANDLERINFO* pHandlerInfo) 

                // return TRUE to stop routing 



        UNUSED(nCode);   // unused in release builds 

        union MessageMapFunctions mmf; 

        mmf。pfn = pfn; 

        BOOL bResult = TRUE; // default is ok 


        switch (nSig) 


        case AfxSig_vv: 

                // normal mand or control notification 



        case AfxSig_bv: 

                // normal mand or control notification 

                bResult = (pTarget…》*mmf。pfn_bMAND)(); 


        case AfxSig_vw: 

                // normal mand or control notification in a range 



        case AfxSig_bw: 

                // extended mand (passed ID; returns bContinue) 

                bResult = (pTarget…》*mmf。pfn_MAND_EX)(nID); 



        default:    // illegal 



…………………………………………………………Page 638……………………………………………………………

                    第篇    深入  MFC  程式設計 

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