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                    #0057          ASSERT_VALID(pDoc); 


                    #0059          // The view delegates the drawing of individual strokes to 

                    #0060          // CStroke::DrawStroke()。 

                    #0061          CTypedPtrList& strokeList = pDoc…》m_strokeList; 

                    #0062          POSITION pos = strokeList。GetHeadPosition(); 

                    #0063          while (pos != NULL) 

                    #0064          { 

                    #0065                  CStroke* pStroke = strokeList。GetNext(pos); 

                    #0066                  pStroke…》DrawStroke(pDC); 

                    #0067          } 

                    #0068  } 


                    #0070  /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 

                    #0071  // CScribbleView printing 


                    #0073  BOOL CScribbleView::OnPreparePrinting(CPrintInfo* pInfo) 

                    #0074  { 

                    #0075          // default preparation 

                    #0076          return DoPreparePrinting(pInfo); 


…………………………………………………………Page 553……………………………………………………………

                                                   第8章    Document…View  深入探討 

#0077  } 


#0079  void CScribbleView::OnBeginPrinting(CDC* /*pDC*/; CPrintInfo* /*pInfo*/) 

#0080  { 

#0081          // TODO: add extra initialization before printing 

#0082  } 


#0084  void CScribbleView::OnEndPrinting(CDC* /*pDC*/; CPrintInfo* /*pInfo*/) 

#0085  { 

#0086          // TODO: add cleanup after printing 

#0087  } 


#0089  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 

#0090  // CScribbleView diagnostics 


#0092  #ifdef _DEBUG 

#0093  void CScribbleView::AssertValid() const 

#0094  { 

#0095          CView::AssertValid(); 

#0096  } 


#0098  void CScribbleView::Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const 

#0099  { 

#0100          CView::Dump(dc); 

#0101  } 


#0103  CScribbleDoc* CScribbleView::GetDocument() // non…debug version is inline 

#0104  { 

#0105          ASSERT(m_pDocument…》IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CScribbleDoc))); 

#0106          return (CScribbleDoc*)m_pDocument; 

#0107  } 

#0108  #endif //_DEBUG 


#0110  //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 

#0111  // CScribbleView message handlers 


#0113  void CScribbleView::OnLButtonDown(UINT; CPoint point) 

#0114  { 

#0115      // Pressing the mouse button in the view window starts a new stroke 


#0117          m_pStrokeCur = GetDocument()…》NewStroke(); 

#0118          // Add first point to the new stroke 

#0119          m_pStrokeCur…》m_pointArray。Add(point); 


#0121          SetCapture();       // Capture the mouse until button up。 

#0122          m_ptPrev = point;   // Serves as the MoveTo() anchor point 

#0123                                 // for the LineTo() the next point; 

#0124                          // as the user drags the mouse。 


…………………………………………………………Page 554……………………………………………………………

                   第篇    深入  MFC  程式設計 


                    #0126          return; 

                    #0127  } 


                    #0129  void CScribbleView::OnLButtonUp(UINT; CPoint point) 

                    #0130  { 

                    #0131          // Mouse button up is interesting in the Scribble application 

                    #0132          // only if the user is currently drawing a new stroke by dragging 

                    #0133          // the captured mouse。 


                    #0135          if (GetCapture() != this) 

                    #0136               return; // If this window (view) didn't capture the mouse; 

                    #0137                        // then the user isn't drawing in this window。 


                    #0139          CScribbleDoc* pDoc = GetDocument(); 


                    #0141          CClientDC dc(this); 


                    #0143          CPen* pOldPen = dc。SelectObject(pDoc…》GetCurrentPen()); 

                    #0144          dc。MoveTo(m_ptPrev); 

                    #0145          dc。LineTo(point); 

                    #0146          dc。SelectObject(pOldPen); 

                    #0147          m_pStrokeCur…》m_pointArray。Add(point); 


                    #0149          ReleaseCapture();  // Release the mouse capture established at 

                    #0150                                // the beginning of the mouse drag。 

                    #0151          return; 

                    #0152  } 


                    #0154  void CScribbleView::OnMouseMove(UINT; CPoint point) 

                    #0155  { 

                    #0156          // Mouse movement is interesting in the Scribble application 

                    #0157          // only if the user is currently drawing a new stroke by dragging 

                    #0158          // the captured mouse。 


                    #0160          if (GetCapture() != this) 

                    #0161               return; // If this window (view) didn't capture the mouse; 

                    #0162                        // then the user isn't drawing in this window。 


                    #0164          CClientDC dc(this); 

                    #0165          m_pStrokeCur…》m_pointArray。Add(point); 


                    #0167          // Draw a line from the previous detected point in the mouse 

                    #0168          // dr
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