按键盘上方向键 ← 或 → 可快速上下翻页,按键盘上的 Enter 键可回到本书目录页,按键盘上方向键 ↑ 可回到本页顶部!
CDocument CArray
CScribbleDoc CStroke : defined in Scribble
CScribbleDoc CStroke
图8…3b Scribble Step1 文件所使用的类别
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CScribbleDoc 内嵌一个CObList 对象,CObList 串行中的每个元素都是一个CStroke 对
象指针,而CStroke 又内嵌一个CArray 对象。下面是Step1 程序的Document 设计。
SCRIBBLEDOC。H (阴影表示与Step0的差异)
#0001 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
#0002 // class CStroke
#0003 //
#0004 // A stroke is a series of connected points in the scribble drawing。
#0005 // A scribble document may have multiple strokes。
#0007 class CStroke : public CObject
#0008 {
#0009 public:
#0010 CStroke(UINT nPenWidth);
#0012 protected:
#0013 CStroke();
#0016 // Attributes
#0017 protected:
#0018 UINT m_nPenWidth; // one pen width applies to entire stroke
#0019 public:
#0020 CArray m_pointArray; // series of connected
#0022 // Operations
#0023 public:
#0024 BOOL DrawStroke(CDC* pDC);
#0026 public:
#0027 virtual void Serialize(CArchive& ar);
#0028 };
#0030 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
#0032 class CScribbleDoc : public CDocument
#0033 {
#0034 protected: // create from serialization only
#0035 CScribbleDoc();
#0038 // Attributes
#0039 protected:
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第篇 深入 MFC 程式設計
#0040 // The document keeps track of the current pen width on
#0041 // behalf of all views。 We'd like the user interface of
#0042 // Scribble to be such that if the user chooses the Draw
#0043 // Thick Line mand; it will apply to all views; not just
#0044 // the view that currently has the focus。
#0046 UINT m_nPenWidth; // current user…selected pen width
#0047 CPen m_penCur; // pen created according to
#0048 // user…selected pen style (width)
#0049 public:
#0050 CTypedPtrList m_strokeList;
#0051 CPen* GetCurrentPen() { return &m_penCur; }
#0053 // Operations
#0054 public:
#0055 CStroke* NewStroke();
#0057 // Overrides
#0058 // ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides
#0059 //{{AFX_VIRTUAL(CScribbleDoc)
#0060 public:
#0061 virtual BOOL OnNewDocument();
#0062 virtual void Serialize(CArchive& ar);
#0063 virtual BOOL OnOpenDocument(LPCTSTR lpszPathName);
#0064 virtual void DeleteContents();
#0065 //}}AFX_VIRTUAL
#0067 // Implementation
#0068 public:
#0069 virtual ~CScribbleDoc();
#0070 #ifdef _DEBUG
#0071 virtual void AssertValid() const;
#0072 virtual void Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const;
#0073 #endif
#0075 protected:
#0076 void InitDocument();
#0078 // Generated message map functions
#0079 protected:
#0080 //{{AFX_MSG(CScribbleDoc)
#0081 // NOTE the ClassWizard will add and remove member functions here。
#0082 // DO NOT EDIT what you see in these blocks of generated code !
#0083 //}}AFX_MSG
#0085 };
如果你把本书第一版(使用VC++ 4。0 )的Scribble step1 原封不动地在VC++ 4。2 或
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VC++ 5。0 中编译,你会获得好几个编译错误。问题出在SCRIBBLEDOC。H 文件:
// forward declaration of data structure class
class CStroke;
class CScribbleDoc : public CDocument
class CStroke : public CObject
并不是程序设计上有什么错误,你只要把CStroke 的声明由CScribbleDoc 之后搬移到
CScribbleDoc 之前即可。由此观之,VC++ 4。2 和VC++ 5。0 的编译器似乎不支持forward
declaration 。真是没道理!
SCRIBBLEDOC。CPP (阴影表示与Step0 的差异)
#0001 #include 〃stdafx。h〃
#0002 #include 〃Scribble。h〃
#0004 #include 〃ScribbleDoc。h〃
#0006 #ifdef _DEBUG
#0007 #define new DEBUG_NEW
#0008 #undef THIS_FILE
#0009 static char THIS_FILE'' = __FILE__;
#0010 #endif
#0012 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
#0013 // CScribbleDoc
#0015 IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE(CScribbleDoc; CDocument)