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              Class Derived  

                  Inherits Base 

                  Public Overloads Sub Method()  


                  End Sub 

              End Class 

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    Module Test  

        Public Sub Run()  

            Dim derivedCls As Derived = New Derived() 

            Dim baseCls As Base = derivedCls 

            ' Calls Derived。Method 


            ' Calls Base。Method 


        End Sub 

    End Module 

    o  Keywords used: Overloads in the derived class to indicate the method is being overloaded。 

    o  Overloading a method means to change the functionality of the method in the derived class。 

    o  Which method is called in the inheritance depends on the type of the variable on which  

       the method is called。 Thus; if the variable is of type Base; Base。Method() is called; if the  

       variable is of type Derived; Derived。Method() is called。 

Scenario 2: Overriding Base Class Functionality 

    Class Base  

        Public Overridable Sub Method()  


        End Sub 

    End Class 

    Class Derived 

        Inherits Base 

        Public Overrides Sub Method()  


        End Sub 

    End Class 

    Module Test  

        Public Sub Run()  

            Dim derivedCls As Derived = New Derived() 

            Dim baseCls As Base = derivedCls 

            ' Calls Derived。Method 


            ' Calls Derived。Method 


        End Sub 

    End Module 

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190       CH AP T E R   7   ■    L E A R N IN G   AB OU T   CO M P O N E N TS   AN D  C L AS S  H I E R AR C H IE S 

               o Keywords used: Overridable in the base class to indicate the method behavior can be  

                 changed in the derived class。 Overrides is used in the derived classes to indicate a method  

                 with the new behavior。 Multiple levels of inheritance require multiple usages of Overrides。 

               o Overriding a method means to change the behavior of the method in the base class to  

                 that of the derived class。 If there are multiple levels of inheritance; then the functionality  

                 used is the instantiated type。  

               o You can also define a Overridable base class method using the MustOverride keyword。  

                 The difference between Overridable and MustOverride is that Overridable has a method  

                 or property implementation in the base class; whereas MustOverride has no implemen

                 tation in the base class。 

          Scenario 3: Implementing an Interface 

              Interface IInterface  

                  Sub Method() 

              End Interface 

              Class Implementation  

                  Implements IInterface 

                  Public Sub Method() Implements IInterface。Method 


                  End Sub 

              End Class 

              Module Test  

                  Public Sub Run()  

                      Dim implementation As Implementation = New Implementation() 

                      Dim inst As IInterface = implementation 

                      ' Calls Implementation。Method 


                      ' Calls Implementation。Method 


                  End Sub 

              End Module 

               o Keywords used: none。 

               o The class that implements the interface has a behavior; like when a class subclasses and  

                 implements a MustOverride method。 

               o Whether the variable is an interface type or an implementation type; the method  

                  Implementation。Method() is called。 

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Scenario 4: Implementing Two Interfaces with Same Method/Property Name 

   Interface IInterface1 

        Sub Method() 

    End Interface 

    Interface IInterface2  

        Sub Method() 

    End Interface 

    Class Implementation  

        Implements IInterface1; IInterface2 

        Public Sub Method1() Implements IInterface1。Method 


        End Sub 

        Private Sub Method2() Implements IInterface2。Method 


        End Sub 

    End Class 

    Module Test 

        Public Sub Run()  

            Dim implementation As Implementation = New Implementation() 

            Dim inst1 As IInterface1 = implementation 

            Dim inst2  As IInterface2 = implementation 

            ' Calls Implementation。Method1 


            ' Calls Implementation。Method2 


        End Sub 

    End Module 

    o  Keywords used: special notation for the implementation of a particular interface method  

       (for example; Implements IInterface1。Method and Implements IInterface2。Method)。 

    o  The methods that are converted to implement a particular interface can still be called。  

       In the example; Method1() is declared as Public; and thus if you have a reference to  

       Implementation; th
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