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                The parameter year could be justified because most countries do have specific tax rates  

          and implementations that are dependent on a year。 Yet the parameter province has no justifi

          cation。 Imagine trying to implement a British tax system and needing to specify a province;  

          when Britain does not collect ine tax at a local level。  

               A solution might be to redefine the interface as follows: 

          Public Class Specifics  

              Public CanadianProvince As Province 

              Public AmericanState As State 

           End Class 

           Public Interface ITaxAccount  

              Sub AddDeduction(ByVal deduction As ITaxDeduction) 

              Sub AddIne(ByVal ine As ITaxIne) 

              Function GetTaxRate(ByVal ine As Double; ByVal year As Integer; _ 

              ByVal specifics As Specifics) As Double 

              ReadOnly Property Deductions() As ITaxDeduction() 

              ReadOnly Property Ine() As ITaxIne() 

           End Interface 

                This new implementation has a specifics parameter; which is of type  Specifics。 The  

          purpose of Specifics is to define a class that is a hodgepodge of information that is needed to  

          determine the correct tax rate。 However; the Specifics approach is wrong; for the following  


               o  It requires knowing the implementation; which in the case of the interface is a bad idea。  

                  It is like going to a restaurant and saying you would like a waitress with blond hair。 

               o  Even if the type Specifics were acceptable; you would be adding and removing data  

                  members depending on how many tax systems you have implemented。 That is a bad  

                  idea and introduces maintenance issues。 

                The proposed solutions are not acceptable。 Additionally; there is still the problem of  

          having to figure out which tax rate to use。 

          Implementing Ideas with Specifics  

          To implement a solution; let’s first start by fixing the TaxAccount class。 The modified version  

          will have some type of functionality that has data members that reference the year and prov

          ince。 Here is the modified and correct implementation of TaxAccount: 

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                           CH AP T E R   7   ■    L E AR N IN G   AB O U T   CO M P O N E N TS   AN D   C L AS S  H I E R AR C HI E S 185 

Friend Class TaxAccount  

    Inherits BaseTaxAccount 

    Private _province As Province 

    Private _year  As Integer 

    Public Sub New (ByVal province As Province; ByVal year As Integer)  

        _province = province 

        _year = year 

    End Sub 

    Public Overrides Function GetTaxRate(ByVal ine As Double)  As Double 

        If _year = 2008 Then 

            If _province = Province。Ontario Then 

                Return OntarioTax2008。TaxRate(ine) 

            End If 

        End If 

        Throw New NotSupportedException(〃Year 〃 & _year & 〃 Province 〃 & _ 

            _province & 〃 not supported〃) 

    End Function 

End Class 

     The fix is to add a constructor that has province and year as parameters。 This sort of fix is  

quite mon; in that you don’t change the interfaces; rather you change how the implemen

tations are instantiated。 Remember that when you instantiate a specific implementation; you  

know what functionality you want; and thus can give the additional parameters。 Once you are  

at the interface level; you should need to use only general ideas。  

     Now the TaxEngine class needs to be fixed。 TaxEngine is responsible for instantiating  

TaxAccount; and thus to instantiate a Canadian TaxAccount; TaxEngine needs additional  

parameters; as follows: 

Friend Class TaxEngine  

    Inherits BaseTaxEngine 

    Public Overrides Function CreateTaxAccount() As ITaxAccount  

        Return New TaxAccount(Province。Ontario; 2008) 

    End Function 

End Class 

     In the implementation of CreateTaxAccount(); the province Ontario and year 2008 are  

assumed。 Thus; whenever TaxEngine is instantiated; you need to make sure that the person is  

in Ontario and paying taxes for the year 2008。 The implementation solves nothing and skirts  

the issue of having to figure out how to deal with someone paying their taxes in British Columbia  

and the year 2009。 

     If you look at the implementation of TaxEngine; you will notice it is short。 One obvious solu

tion would be to create a TaxEngine type for each province and each year。 Here are two examples: 

…………………………………………………………Page 208……………………………………………………………

186      CH AP T E R   7   ■    L E A R N IN G   AB OU T   CO M P O N E N TS   AN D  C L AS S  H I E R AR C H IE S 

          Friend Class Ontario2008TaxEngine  

              Inherits BaseTaxEngine 

              Public Overrides Function CreateTaxAccount() As ITaxAccount  

                  Return New TaxAccount(Province。Ontario; 2008) 

              End Function 

          End Class 

          Friend Class BritishColumbia2009TaxEngine 

              Inherits BaseTaxEngine 

              Public Overrides Function CreateTaxAccount() As ITaxAccount  

                  Return New TaxAccount(Province。BritishColumbia; 2009) 

              End Function 

          End Class 

               This solution is not that bad; because to be able to instantiate the correct tax engine; you  

          just need to define a factory that knows which class to instantiate。 But for the problem at hand;  

          this solution is extremely tedious; as you could end up with hundreds; if not thousands; of  

          TaxEngine definitions。 You would use the specific implementation approach when you have  

          fewer than a dozen variations。 

               The better approach is to
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