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    Function CreateIne(ByVal amount As Double) As ITaxIne 

    Function CreateTaxAccount() As ITaxAccount 

End Interface 

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174       CH AP T E R   7   ■    L E A R N IN G   AB OU T   CO M P O N E N TS   AN D  C L AS S  H I E R AR C H IE S 

               We have four interfaces here:  ITaxIne; ITaxDeduction; ITaxAccount; and ITaxEngine。  

          ITaxIne and ITaxDeduction are pure behavioral interfaces。 Pure behavioral means the inter

          face does one thing; but it might be implemented in conjunction with other interfaces。 ITaxEngine  

          and ITaxAccount are behavioral functional interfaces。 Behavioral functional means that the  

          interfaces are typically implemented by themselves; and usually not with another interface。 

               For example; you might implement a Swiss tax system where there are two classes; defined  

          as follows: 

          Class SwissTaxEngine 

              Implements ITaxEngine 

          End Class 

          Class SwissTaxAccount  

              Implements ITaxAccount 

          End Class 

               And if you wish to implement an American tax system; the two classes would be defined  

          as follows: 

          Class AmericanTaxEngine 

              Implements ITaxEngine 

          End Class 

          Class AmericanTaxAccount 

              Implements ITaxAccount 

          End Class 

               The user of either the American or Swiss tax system will not know the specific details of  

          those tax systems。 Initially; users would need to determine which tax system they wished to  

          use。 This decision is made using something called a factory; as explained in the uping  

          “Abstracting Instantiations with Factories” section。 

          Implementing a Base Class Tax Engine 

          Whenever you define interfaces; you will need to implement them。 In most cases; you will  

          create a MustInherit base class that provides a certain amount of default functionality。 The  

          MustInherit base class serves the same purpose as outlined in the previous chapter: to provide  

          a certain amount of basic functionality。 

               In the case of the tax engine; we need to implement the ITaxEngine interface and provide  

          default implementations for some methods。 The following is the plete base class  


          Public MustInherit Class BaseTaxEngine  

              Implements ITaxEngine 

              Protected _calculatedTaxable As Double 

              Public Overridable Function CalculateTaxToPay(ByVal account As ITaxAccount) _ 

                  As Double Implements ITaxEngine。CalculateTaxToPay 

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                           CH AP T E R   7   ■    L E AR N IN G   AB O U T   CO M P O N E N TS   AN D   C L AS S  H I E R AR C HI E S 175 

        _calculatedTaxable = 0。0 

        For Each ine As ITaxIne In account。Ine 

            If ine IsNot Nothing Then 

                _calculatedTaxable = _calculatedTaxable + ine。TaxableAmount 

            End If 


        For Each deduction As ITaxDeduction In account。Deductions 

            If  deduction IsNot Nothing 

                _calculatedTaxable = _calculatedTaxable deduction。Amount 

            End If 


        Return account。GetTaxRate(_calculatedTaxable) * _calculatedTaxable 

    End Function 

    Public Overridable Function CreateDeduction(ByVal amount As Double) _ 

        As ITaxDeduction Implements ITaxEngine。CreateDeduction 

        Return New TaxDeduction(amount) 

    End Function 

    Public Overridable Function CreateIne(ByVal amount As Double) As ITaxIne _ 

        Implements ITaxEngine。CreateIne 

        ' Second argument is the tax rate 

        Return New TaxIne(amount; 1。0) 

    End Function 

    Public MustOverride Function CreateTaxAccount() As ITaxAccount _ 

        Implements ITaxEngine。CreateTaxAccount 

End Class 

     The base class must implement all interface methods; regardless of whether or not the method  

has an implementation。 The CalculateTaxToPay(); CreateDeduction(); and CreateIne()  

methods have implementations。 The CreateTaxAccount() method does not have an implemen

tation and is declared as MustOverride。 The methods with implementations have an Overridable  

keyword associated with them; indicating any class derived from BaseTaxEngine can override  

the functionality if they don’t like the default functionality。  

     In the implementation of CalculateTaxToPay(); the ine (account。Ine) is added  

together and deductions (account。Deductions) are subtracted from the ine。 The resulting  

total is used as a query amount (account。GetTaxRate()) to retrieve the actual tax rate used to  

calculate against the payable tax。 

■Note  The implementation of CalculateTaxToPay() is a shared functionality; which implies that there  

cannot be any code specific to a derived type。 All of the calculations and data manipulations are executed  

against an interface; making it possible to generalize operations。 Whenever you implement base class methods or  

shared pieces of code; you should try to keep the source code derived class…agnostic。 

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176       CH AP T E R   7   ■    L E A R N IN G   AB OU T   CO M P O N E N TS   AN D  C L AS S  H I E R AR C H IE S 

          Overriding for Specialized Functionality 

          In the base class implementation; the data member _calculatedTaxable is declared as Protected。  

          As you learned in the previous chapter; this means that _calculatedTaxable can be manipu

          lated in a derived class。 However; if you look at how the data member is used; you will see that  

          only CalculateTaxToPay() assigns the data 
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