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           register? The answer to these questions is one of trust。 As trustworthy as the cashier and shopper  

           might be; we feel better when we know we have the control。  

                 Let’s go back to an example I mentioned at the beginning of the chapter: allowing people  

           to grab into your pockets。 The previously defined Temperature property is allowing someone to  

           grab into your pockets。 You wouldn’t generally allow it; but what if that person were your spouse  

           or your mom? Would you still disallow it? The answer is very different; because you probably  

           trust your mom or spouse。 In the same way; often state and its exposure are a matter of trust  

           and using the right scope。 

           ■Note  In this discussion of properties and object…oriented design; my goal is to explain that there is a place  

           and time for both; and you should not feel biased toward one approach or the other。 When you design a type  

           that does not reveal its state; you are designing a type that fulfills an abstract intention。 When you design a  

           type that reveals its state (to some extent) through properties; you are designing a type that is used at the  

           lower technical level。 Also keep in mind that sometimes internal state is external state; such as the exchange  

           rate example。 You cannot abstract away the exchange rate state because it is a number used in a calculation。 

           Understanding Inheritance and Scope Modifiers 

           At this point; the  ExchangeRate property is a mechanical property that will be used by any class  

           that subclasses CurrencyTrader。 So now we need to decide whether access to the property  

           should be restricted。 The answer is that it should be restricted to only those developers who  

           truly understand how to convert currencies。 Access should be restricted to those classes that  

           will subclass CurrencyTrader。 Following is the rewritten version of CurrencyTrader。 

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                        CH A PT E R   6   ■    L E A R N I N G   T HE   B AS IC S  O F   O B J E CT OR I E N TE D   P R O G R AM M IN G 145 

Public MustInherit Class CurrencyTrader 

    Private _exchangeRate As Double 

    Protected Property ExchangeRate() As Double 


            Return _exchangeRate 

        End Get 

        Set (ByVal value As Double) 

            _exchangeRate = value 

        End Set 

    End Property 

End Class 

     The bolded code highlights three examples of scope access: 

     Public: The type; method; data member; or property can be accessed and referenced by  

     any other type。 In the context of a crowd of people; it means anyone can reach into your  

     pocket and inspect your wallet。 

     Private: The method; data member; or property can be accessed and referenced only by  

     the type declaring the method; data member; or property。 In the context of a crowd of  

     people; it means only you can reach into your pocket and inspect your wallet。 

     Protected: The method; data member; or property can be accessed and referenced by the  

     type declaring the method; data member; or property or by types that subclass the declaring  

     type。 In the context of a crowd of people; it means only you and people who you have  

     allowed can reach into your pocket and inspect your wallet。 

     If you happen to declare a type; method; or property without a scope modifier; the default  

is assumed; which means public is implied。 Data members are private by default。 The Private  

and Protected modifiers cannot be assigned to a type。 You’ll learn more about other modifiers  

and details about type scope declarations in the next chapter。 

Using Visual Basic Inheritance to Subclass Another Type 

The rewritten version of CurrencyTrader will cause the test code to break; because it uses the  

MustInherit keyword; and thus cannot be instantiated directly。 Here is the broken code: 

Dim cls As CurrencyTrader = New CurrencyTrader() 

cls。ExchangeRate = 123。44 

     The code will not work for two reasons: 

     o  CurrencyTrader uses the MustInherit keyword and thus cannot be instantiated。 

     o  ExchangeRate is protected and cannot be referenced externally。 

     This broken code puts us in a bind。 Up to this point; whenever we tested code; we assumed  

all of the pieces that were to be tested could be referenced。 One solution would be to change  

the scope declarations and remove the MustInherit and  Protected keywords。 Yes; that solves the  

problem; but it is a cop…out。 The better approach is to test CurrencyTrader as it was intended to be  

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146       CH AP T E R   6   ■    L E A R N IN G   T HE   B AS IC S  O F   OB J E CT OR I E N T E D   P R O G R AM M IN G 

          used: as a class that is derived from。 So; the solution is to use inheritance and create a test class  

          that derives from CurrencyTrader; as follows: 

          Public Class TestCurrencyTrader 

              Inherits CurrencyTrader 

              Public Sub InitializeExchangeRate()  

                  ExchangeRate = 100。0 

              End Sub 

          End Class 

               TestCurrencyTrader is a test class that is added to the test source code。 To inherit from a  

          class; you define a class; and in the following line; use the keyword Inherits。 This line says that  

          the class TestCurrencyTrader is subclassing CurrencyTrader。  

               To expose a method outside the class declaration; you use the Public modifier。 

               Inheritance means identifiers that are scoped  Protected or  Public can be referenced in  

          the subclassed type。 For example; notice how ExchangeRate seems to be all on its own; without 
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