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          TDD (test…driven development); 212                      TextWriter types; 270 

          Temperature property; 143–144                           Third Element subelement; 320 

          TestCallingExample() method; 130                        Thread instances; 348 

          TestCurrencyTrader class; 146; 148–152                  thread parameters; 348–349 

          TestCurrencyTrader console testing                      thread pool; 366 

                   application; 137                               Thread type; 347 

          test…driven architecture; 165–173                       thread1。Start() method; 346 

             ponents; 171–173                                  thread2。Start() method; 346 

             inheritance; 168–170                                 Thread。CurrentThread。CurrentCulture  

             Visual Basic interfaces; 166–168                               property; 72 

          test…driven development (TDD); 212                      ThreadedTask type; 348 

          TestGetValue() method; 131                              Thread。ManagedThreadId property; 366 

          testing                                                 ThreadPoolProducerConsumer  

             Add() method; 35                                               constructor; 366 

                adding test projects; 36                          ThreadPoolProducerConsumer type;  

                testing addition of two large                               365–366 

                   numbers; 38                                    ThreadPool。QueueUserWorkItem()  

                testing simple addition; 37–38                              method; 366 

             creating test applications; 53–55                    threads; 344–358; 368 

             defining algorithm tests; 98–102                         creating; 345–346 

                getting FoundRoute data member;                       creating with state; 347 

                   100–102                                              thread parameters; 348–349 

                magic types; 99–100                                     ThreadStart delegate; 347 

             linked lists; 208–212                                    deadlocks; 355 

             writing tests before writing code; 63–65 

…………………………………………………………Page 471……………………………………………………………

                                                                                                    ■I N D E X     449 

   synchronizing between; 349–355                           dynamically instantiating 

      with cloning; 354–355                                    using instantiated types; 325–326 

      exclusive locks; 352–354                                 using singletons; 324–325 

   waiting for end of; 346–347                              Equals() method; 282–283 

Thread。Sleep() method; 349; 358–359                         GetHashCode() method; 279–282 

ThreadStart delegate; 346–347; 347                       Type…safe; 34 

throughput; 368 


Throw keyword; 121 

                                                         UInteger type; 44 

time slicing; 342–344; 368 

                                                         ULong type; 44 

toCurrency parameter; 153 

                                                         UML (Unified Modeling Language); 26 

_toCurrency property; 153 

                                                         unboxing; 233 

Tokenize() method; 132 

                                                         underflow; 41 

ToString() method; 56–57; 73; 209; 264;  

                                                         underscore (_) character; 11 

         307–308; 309; 312 

                                                         Unicode; 68 

total variable; 34 

TraderBaseClass class; 302                               Unified Modeling Language (UML); 26 

TranslateHello() method; 53; 54–55; 61                   uniqueidentifier type; 381 

                                                         Unstable; 334 

TranslateWord() method; 326 

translator application; 52–68                            UpgradeToWriterLock() method; 359 

   character mapping; 67–68                              usability; 291 

   creating test applications; 53–55                     user assembly; 222 

                                                         user interface; 29 

   quoting strings; 65–66 

   responsibility; 55                                    user…defined types。 See custom…defined  


   translating hello; 53 

                                                         UShort type; 44 

   Translator class; 52–53 

   whitespace; 60–65                                     ■V 

      finding substrings; 61                             value parameter; 143; 305 

      trimming; 60–61                                    Value property; IDbDataParameter type; 384 

      writing tests before writing code; 63–65           value types; 42–43 

Translator class; 52–53                                     constraints; 81–86 

Translator。vb file; 53                                         effects of copying data; 82–84 

TrimmingWhitespace() method; 61                                parameters; 85–86 

Try keyword; 120; 125; 127                                     reference types; 84–85 

TryCast() function; 202; 219                                referencing using; 91–94 

try/catch block; 132–133                                 value variable; 332 

TryParse() method; 70–71; 131                            ValueType type; 306 

type attribute; 327                                      variables; 17–19; 108 

type casting; 171; 194                                   verification; 148–151 

type mand; 269                                           conditional statements; 148–150 

typed convention…based architecture;  
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