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                               CH AP T E R   1 6   ■    L E A R N I N G   A B OU T   O TH E R   V IS U AL   B A SI C  T E C HN IQ U E S 421 

    Public ReadOnly Property Real() As Double 


            Return _real 

        End Get 

        Set(ByVal value As Double) 

            _real = value 

        End Set 

    End Property 

End Class 

     plexType is an immutable type that has two data members representing the real and  

imaginary number parts。 

     The goal is to define the + operator so that the following code can be piled。 

Dim a As plexType = New plexType(1。0; 10。0) 

Dim b As plexType = New plexType(2。0; 20。0) 

Dim c As plexType = a + b 

     Overloading the + operator means to add a method that has a special notation。 The following  

is the modified plexType type with the overloaded operator implemented (bolded)。 

Public NotInheritable Class plexType 

    Private ReadOnly _imaginary As Double 

    Private ReadOnly _real As Double 

    Public Sub New(ByVal real As Double; ByVal imaginary As Double) 

        _real = real 

        _imaginary = imaginary 

    End Sub 

    Public Shared Operator +(ByVal a As plexType; ByVal b As plexType) _ 

      As plexType 

        Return New plexType((a。Real + b。Real); (a。Imaginary + b。Imaginary)) 

    End Operator 

    Public Overrides Function ToString() As String 

        Return String。Concat(New Object() {〃(〃; _real; 〃) (〃; _imaginary; 〃)i〃}) 

    End Function 

    Public ReadOnly Property Imaginary() As Double 


            Return _imaginary 

        End Get 

    End Property 

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422       CH AP T E R   1 6   ■    L E A R N I N G   A B OU T   O TH E R   V IS U AL   B A SI C  TE C H N IQ U E S 

              Public ReadOnly Property Real() As Double 


                      Return _real 

                  End Get 

              End Property 

           End Class 

                The declaration of the overloaded operator is a specially defined function; which follows  

          these rules: 

               o  The method is always declared as Shared in the context of the type。 

               o  The method has a return type; which should be the type that you want to construct。 In  

                  most cases; it is the type of the declaration (except where a Boolean is required)。 

               o  The method identifier starts with the keyword Operator; followed by a space; and then  

                  the operator being overloaded (+; …; and so on)。 

          The GoTo Statement 

          The GoTo statement allows you to jump from one spot in the code to another。 In the past; when  

          we did not have objects; methods; and other advanced programming constructs; developers  

          used the GoTo statement because they had no other choice。 Currently; many in the software  

          industry dislike the GoTo statement。 They think that the GoTo statement is a sign of poor program

          ming; and that you never need to use it。 The Channel 9 forum (http://channel9。msdn。/ 

           ShowPost。aspx?PageIndex=1&PostID=14652) has a good discussion on the use of GoTo statements。  

          In this discussion; a person who was against the GoTo statement said this: 

                The only possible exception would be if you are doing some sort of puter graphics 

                app; where I would tolerate a (for y) (for x) nesting; because the inner loop is likely to be 

                quite simple and the structure makes more sense as an entirety。 

                So; he would tolerate the GoTo statement in a specific situation; and that means that one  

          can’t argue that GoTo is all bad。  

                What I like about how Visual Basic implemented GoTo is that it is designed to solve a partic

          ular problem; but not raise the old problems of spaghetti code making a mess of things。 So if  

          you need to use a GoTo statement; go ahead; just don’t use it excessively。  

                One example where it is not easily possible to avoid using a GoTo statement is in the  

          following pseudo…code。 

          Do While FirstActionLoop() 

              Do While SecondActionLoop() 

                  If BreakOutOfLoops() Then 

                      GoTo EXIT_ALL 

                  End If 




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                                CH AP T E R   1 6   ■    L E A R N I N G   A B OU T   O TH E R   V IS U AL   B A SI C  T E C HN IQ U E S 423 

     This code has two loops。 If the code is executing the second loop and decides to end pro

cessing; then exiting the loop bees a bit tricky; as you can break execution only one loop at a  

time using the  Exit Do statement。 Thus; one solution is to use the GoTo statement; as shown。 

     The GoTo statement is associated with an identifier that represents a label。 The label can be  

placed almost anywhere in the declared method。 An exception is that you can’t place a label in  

a Select statement。 However; you can place the label before or after the GoTo keyword。 

 Generics Constraints 

 generics have been covered in several chapters。 An additional aspect of  generics is  

constraints; which can be optionally used to optimize programming。 Constraints limit the types  

that the parameter can be。 

     Three types of constraints are Class; New; and a specific type。 As a general rule; a constraint  

is added in the form of an As statement; as follows: 

Class Example(Of DataType As {New}) 

End Class 

     This example limits DataType to types that have a default constructor。 

Using the Type Constraint 

Type constraints allow you to associate a minimal ty
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