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           even slightly; you must instantiate a new object; which would be the case if we used the = and  

           ± operators。 The  StringBuilder type is like String; except the referenced text can be modified。 

                In the Process() implementation; the Do While loop calls the method Peek(); which reads;  

           but does not remove; a character value from the stream。 If there is nothing more to read; a …1  

           value is returned。 Otherwise; data is available; and the method  ReadLine() can be called。  

           ReadLine() will read a buffer of characters until a newline or return character is encountered。  

           Having read a line of text; it is split into the individual fields using the Split() method。 The split  

           characters are the space and tab character (ControlChars。Tab)。 

                When the Split() method returns; the individual fields are assigned to the array splitUpText。  

           Those array elements are iterated and appended to the StringBuilder variable retval; but each  

           element is surrounded by a set of brackets。 The brackets provide a set of boundaries that you  

           can inspect to see what data has been found。 I include the brackets purely for debugging purposes。  

           Because I am trying to reformat the stream; I append a newline character (ControlChars。NewLine) to  

           the variable retval。 

                When all of the lines of text and fields within the lines of text are iterated; a string represen

           tation of the StringBuilder instance is returned using the ToString() method。 Running the  

           code shows how many fields each line of text has and how you should format the text file。 This  

           gives you an understanding of how the file is structured。  

                The following is sample output from the lotto。txt file。 

…………………………………………………………Page 287……………………………………………………………

                                                        CH A PT E R   1 0   ■    L E A R N I N G   A B O U T  P E R S IS T E N CE 265 




















     The sample output shows that we have the following items to fix: 

     o  There are empty lines of text where no data has been defined。 

     o  Some lines of text have empty fields at the end。 

     o  Some fields have an incorrect date format。 

     o  Some dates have duplicates; which need to be removed。 

     o  Some lines of text have too many fields。 We need to figure out which fields we want to  

        keep and which we can discard。 

■Note  When processing streams and cleaning them up; it is important to take the stream apart first and  

see what you are up against。 Do not make assumptions until you have looked at the individual pieces of data。  

Then you will be able to determine the steps you need to undertake to fix the stream。 

Fixing the Stream 

The final solution uses the same code used to parse the lines of text and individual fields; as  

follows (note; however; that we need the individual lines if the date format is correct; so we  

store each one in the lineOfText variable): 

…………………………………………………………Page 288……………………………………………………………

266      CH AP T E R   1 0   ■    L E A R N I N G   A B OU T   P E R S IS TE N CE 

          Public Class LottoTicketProcessor : Implements IProcessor 

              Private _dates As IList(Of String) = New List(Of String)() 

              。 。 。 

              Public Function Process(ByVal input As String) As String 

              Implements IProcessor。Process 

                  Dim reader As TextReader = New StringReader(input) 

                  Dim retval As StringBuilder = New StringBuilder() 

                  Do While reader。Peek()  …1 

                      Dim lineOfText As String = reader。ReadLine() 

                      Dim splitUpText As String() = 

                        lineOfText。Split(New Char() {〃 〃c; ControlChars。Tab}) 

                      If _dates。Contains(splitUpText(0)) Then 

                          Continue Do 

                      End If 

                      If splitUpText(0)。Length = 0 Then 

                          Continue Do 

                      End If 

                      If splitUpText(0)。Contains(〃…〃) Then 

                          Dim dateSplit As String() = splitUpText(0)。Split(New Char() {〃…〃c}) 

                          Dim newDate As String = 

                              dateSplit(0) & 〃。〃 & dateSplit(1) & 〃。〃 & dateSplit(2) 

                          If _dates。Contains(newDate) Then 

                              Continue Do 

                          End If 



                          For c1 As Integer = 0 To 7 

                              retval。Append(〃 〃 & splitUpText(c1)) 





                      End If 



                  Return retval。ToString() 

              End Func
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