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                The idea is to enable a developer to add functionality to the kernel without affecting the  

           code of the kernel。 The example that we will go through defines a couple of rooms in a museum  

           (the Museum project)。 

           ■Note  The implementation of the Home project is not discussed here; but it is available in this book’s down

           loadable source code。 

           Defining Some Rooms 

           The rooms are defined in a separate assembly called Museum and are not part of the kernel。 The  

           following is an example of a room implementation。 Again; remember to include a reference to  

           LibLightingSystem (right…click References in Museum and select Add Reference then Projects   


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。 。 。 

Imports LibLightingSystem 

    Friend Class PrivateRoom : Implements INoRemoteControlRoom  

    End Class 

    Friend Class PublicRoom : Implements ISensorRoom  

        Public ReadOnly Property IsPersonInRoom() As Boolean _ 

            Implements ISensorRoom。IsPersonInRoom 


                 Return False 

            End Get 

        End Property 

        Private _lightLevel As Double 

        Public ReadOnly Property LightLevel() As Double _ 

            Implements ISensorRoom。LightLevel 


                Return _lightLevel 

            End Get 

        End Property  

        Public Sub LightSwitch(ByVal lightState As Boolean) _ 

            Implements IRemoteControlRoom。LightSwitch 

            If lightState Then 

                _lightLevel = 1 


                _lightLevel = 0 

            End If 

        End Sub  

        Public Sub DimLight(ByVal level As Double) _ 

            Implements IRemoteControlRoom。DimLight 

            _lightLevel = level 

        End Sub 

    End Class 

     The two room declarations; PrivateRoom and  PublicRoom; are both internal to the assembly。  

Each room implements the interface that it deems appropriate。 PrivateRoom implements the  

interface INoRemoteControlRoom; indicating that LightingController should leave the room alone。  

     PublicRoom implements ISensorRoom; indicating that it will tell the controller when a person is  

in the room and allow itself to be controlled。 The implementation of  PublicRoom is trivial and  

frankly not that useful; but it illustrates the bare minimum of what needs to be implemented。  

In a production environment; PublicRoom would have access to external devices such as a  

heat sensor and lights。 The objective of PublicRoom would be to give and take signals from the  

LightingController and take action。 It is not up to PublicRoom to ask whether or not a decision  

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224       CH AP T E R   8   ■    L E A R N IN G   AB OU T   CO M P O N E N TO R IE N T E D  AR C HI TE CT U R E 

           is correct。 For example; if  LightingController indicated to turn the light off even though a  

           person is in the room; then PublicRoom would not ask why the light is being turned off。 

           ■Note  When you are designing a kernel…like architecture; the implementations are realizations of ideas and  

           should never question the controller。 The implementations might not be aware of a bigger picture and thus  

           might prevent an algorithm from functioning properly。 Of course; the exception to this rule is if the decision  

           would cause physical damage or cause the program to crash。 In that case; the implementation should throw  

           an exception; indicating that the decision is faulty。 

           Instantiating PublicRoom and PrivateRoom 

           As described in the previous chapter; when you are developing ponents; you want to separate  

           the interfaces from the implementations。 This gives you the flexibility to change the imple

           mentation in an assembly without requiring the users of the assembly to repile their code。 

                To instantiate the implementations; you need a factory; and the museum with its PrivateRoom  

           and PublicRoom implementations is no different。 However; a builder method that assembles a  

           building of potential PrivateRoom and  PublicRoom binations will be offered with the museum。  

           The builder method is useful because it predefines a canned building that has all the room  

           groupings and rooms properly added。  

           ■Note  Think of a builder method as a way of creating a predefined structure; thus saving users from having  

           to do that themselves。 A builder method is only a starting point; and you should be able to manipulate the  

           structure afterward for fine…tuning purposes。 

                The following is the implementation of the museum factory; which is added to the project  


           Public Module FactoryRooms  

               Public Function CreateBuilding() As LightingController 

                   Dim controller As New LightingController() 

                   Dim publicAreas As Object = _ 

                     controller。AddRoomGrouping(〃public viewing areas〃) 

                   Dim privateAreas As Object = _ 

                     controller。AddRoomGrouping(〃private viewing areas〃) 

                   controller。AddRoomToGrouping(publicAreas; New PublicRoom()) 

                   controller。AddRoomToGrouping(privateAreas; New PrivateRoom()) 

                   Return controller 

               End Function 

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                             C H AP TE R   8   ■    L E AR N IN G   AB O U T   CO M P O N E N T O R 
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