红字-the scarlet letter(英文版)-第63章
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arl。 〃He waits to wele thee;〃 replied her mother。 〃e thou; andentreat his blessing! He loves thee; my little Pearl; and loves thymother too。 Wilt thou not love him? e! he longs to greet thee!〃 〃Doth he love us?〃 said Pearl; looking up; with acuteintelligence; into her mother's face。 〃Will he go back with us; handin hand; we three together into the town?〃 〃Not now; dear child;〃 answered Hester。 〃But in days to e he willwalk hand in hand with us。 We will have a home and fireside of ourown; and thou shalt sit upon his knee; and he will teach thee manythings; and love thee dearly。 Thou wilt love him; wilt thou not?〃 〃And will he always keep his hand over his heart?〃 inquired Pearl。 〃Foolish child; what a question is that!〃 exclaimed her mother。〃e and ask his blessing!〃 But; whether influenced by the jealousy that seems instinctivewith every petted child towards a dangerous rival; or from whatevercaprice of her freakish nature; Pearl would show no favour to theclergyman。 It was only by an exertion of force that her mother broughther up to him; hanging back; and manifesting her reluctance by oddgrimaces; of which; ever since her babyhood; she had possessed asingular variety; and could transform her mobile physiognomy into aseries of different aspects; with a new mischief in them; each andall。 The minister… painfully embarrassed; but hoping that a kiss mightprove a talisman to admit him into the child's kindlier regards…bent forward; and impressed one on her brow。 Hereupon; Pearl brokeaway from her mother; and; running to the brook; stooped over it;and bathed her forehead; until the unwele kiss was quite washedoff; and diffused through a long lapse of the gliding water。 Shethen remained apart; silently watching Hester and the clergyman: whilethey talked together; and made such arrangements as were suggestedby their new position; and the purposes soon to be fulfilled。 And now this fateful interview had e to a close。 The dell wasto be left a solitude among its dark; old trees; which; with theirmultitudinous tongues; would whisper long of what had passed there;and no mortal be the wiser。 And the melancholy brook would add thisother tale to the mystery with which its little heart was alreadyoverburdened; and whereof it still kept up a murmuring babble; withnot a whit more cheerfulness of tone than for ages heretofore。 XX。 THE MINISTER IN A MAZE。 AS the minister departed; in advance of Hester Prynne and littlePearl; he threw a backward glance; half expecting that he shoulddiscover only some faintly traced features or outline of the motherand the child; slowly fading into the twilight of the woods。 Sogreat a vicissitude in his life could not at once be received as real。But there was Hester; clad in her grey robe; still standing beside thetree…trunk; which some blast had overthrown a long antiquity ago;and which time had ever since been covering with moss; so that thesetwo fated ones; with earth's heaviest burden on them; might theresit down together; and find a single hour's rest and solace。 And therewas Pearl; too; lightly dancing from the margin of the brook… now thatthe intrusive third person was gone… and taking her old place by hermother's side。 So the minister had not fallen asleep; and dreamed! In order to free his mind from this indistinctness and duplicityof impression; which vexed it with a strange disquietude; herecalled and more thoroughly defined the plans which Hester andhimself had sketched for their departure。 It had been determinedbetween them; that the Old World; with its crowds and cities;offered them a more eligible shelter and concealment than the wilds ofNew England; or all America; with its alternatives of an Indianwigwam; or the few settlements of Europeans; scattered thinly alongthe seaboard。 Not to speak of the clergyman's health; so inadequate tosustain the hardships of a forest life; his native gifts; his culture;and his entire development; would secure him a home only in themidst of civilisation and refinement; the higher the state; the moredelicately adapted to it the man。 In furtherance of this choice; it sohappened that a ship lay in the harbour; one of those questionablecruisers; frequent at that day; which; without being absolutelyoutlaws of the deep; yet roamed over its surface with a remarkableirresponsibility of character。 This vessel had recently arrived fromthe Spanish Main; and; within three days' time; would sail forBristol。 Hester Prynne… whose vocation; as a self…enlisted Sister ofCharity; had brought her acquainted with the captain and crew… couldtake upon herself to secure the passage of two individuals and achild; with all the secrecy which circumstances rendered more thandesirable。 The minister had inquired of Hester; with no little interest; theprecise time at which the vessel might be expected to depart。 It wouldprobably be on the fourth day from the present。 〃That is mostfortunate!〃 he had then said to himself。 Now; why the Reverend Mr。Dimmesdale considered it so very fortunate; we hesitate to reveal。Nevertheless… to hold nothing back from the reader… it was because; onthe third day from the present; he was to preach the ElectionSermon; and; as such an occasion formed an honourable epoch in thelife of a New England clergyman; he could not have chanced upon a moresuitable mode and time of terminating his professional career。 〃Atleast; they shall say of me;〃 thought this exemplary man; 〃that Ileave no public duty unperformed; nor ill performed!〃 Sad; indeed;that an introspection so profound and acute as this poor minister'sshould be so miserably deceived! We have had; and may still have;worse things to tell of him; but none; we apprehend; so pitiably weak;no evidence; at once so slight and irrefragable; of a subtledisease; that had long since begun to eat into the real substance ofhis character。 No man; for any considerable period; can wear oneface to himself and another to the multitude; without finallygetting bewildered as to which may be the true。 The excitement of Mr。 Dimmesdale's feelings; as he returned from hisinterview with Hester; lent him unaccustomed physical energy; andhurried him townward at a rapid pace。 The pathway among
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