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the days of my life-第74章

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ing of them as the work of the devil or of ancient magicians in an unknown age。 The thing is absurd。 Those edifices are the relics of a lost civilisation which worshipped the Nature gods。 Who they were; what they were; we do not and perhaps never shall know。 Andrew Lang has stated the whole problem much better than I can ever hope to do; in a poem he once wrote at my request for a paper in which I was interested。 I do not think that those verses have ever been republished; so I :13
13 Republished in The Poetical Words of Andrew Lang; vol。 iii; p。 42 (1923); under the title of “Zimbabwe。” — Ed。
Into the darkness whence they came;
They passed — their country knoweth none;
They and their gods without a name
Partake the same oblivion。
Their work they did; their work is done;
Whose gold; it may be; shone like fire;
About the brows of Solomon;
And in the House of God’s Desire。
The pestilence; the desert spear;
Smote them: they passed with none to tell
The names of them that laboured here:
Stark walls and crumbling crucible;
Straight gates; and graves; and ruined well;
Abide; dumb monuments of old。
We know; but that men fought and fell;
Like us — like us — for love of gold。
A girls’ school; or some members of it; evidently weary of the society of their own sex; wrote congratulating me with great earnestness because I had in “King Solomon’s Mines” produced a thrilling book “without a heroine。”
Truly in those days my industry was great。 While on my summer holiday in 1885 I ain;” the sequel to “King Solomon’s Mines;” from the first word to the last; although it did not appear until about a couple of years later; after it had run through Longman’s Magazine。 On what exact dates I began and finished the story I do not know; though possibly these are entered on the manuscript; of which I made a present to my friend Charles Longman。14
14 These dates are not entered on the MS。 — Ed。
On my return to town in the late autumn I began a novel of a very different style; which was afterwards published under the name of “Jess。” The manuscript of “Jess” does not state the date of its mencement; but at the end appears the date of December 31; 1885; showing that it was finished on that day。 This book I wrote for the most part in the chambers; at 1 Elm Court; that I shared with Mr。 Kerr; the son of missioner Kerr; upon an old teak table with a leather top。 This table; which I bought of a second…hand dealer; had evidently begun life in some ship where the cabins were low; for it was so short in the legs that; until they were heightened in some way; it used to make my back ache to write at it; also it has all the solidity mon to ship’s furniture。 Now it is used for trimming lamps in the basement of Ditchingham House。
Whenever I was not engaged in Court; where I hung about a great deal; and even for a while reported Divorce and Probate cases for The Times on behalf of that journal’s regular reporter; an old barrister name Kelly; when he was absent on a holiday; I sat at this table in the dingy room at 1 Elm Court and toiled at “Jess。” Sometimes this was no easy task; since young barristers of my acquaintance; with time upon their hands; would enter and scoff at my literary labours。 In the evening I placed what I had written in a kind of American cloth music…roll; which either my wife or Miss Barber made for me; and carried it home to West Kensington; so that I might continue my work after dinner。 In fact; there were two of these rolls。 The first of them I lost on my homeward way; I know not how or where。 It contained about a dozen foolscap sheets of closely written manuscript of one of the most important parts of the book; that which; amongst other things; describes the character of Frank Muller and how; after he had attempted the murder of Neal and Jess in the Vaal River; he galloped away pursued by his own terrors。 I remember that I was much distressed at this loss; thinking that what I had written was the best thing I had ever done。 I waited awhile; hoping that the address written within the case might bring it back to me。 But it never did。 So I rewrote the missing sheets from memory; which has never been my strong point。 I wonder whether they are better or worse than those that departed!
So soon as “Jess;” of which I will speak more hereafter; was finished; or rather about a month later; I began another tale which the world knows as “She。” The exact date of its mencement is uncertain; for it has been obliterated by a clip that fastened the manuscript together; and all that remains is “Feb。86。” At the end; however; is inscribed “Finished 18 March 1886。” Therefore; even supposing that it was begun upon the 1st February; which would mean that I had allowed myself a month’s rest after finishing “Jess;” the whole romance was pleted in a little over six weeks。 Moreover; it was never rewritten; and the manuscript carries but few corrections。 The fact is that it was written at white heat; almost without rest; and that is the best way to pose。
I remember that when I sat down to the task my ideas as to its development were of the vaguest。 The only clear notion that I had in my head was that of an immortal woman inspired by an immortal love。 All the rest shaped itself round this figure。 And it came — it came faster than my poor aching hand could set it down。
Well do I recall taking the pleted manuscript to the office of my literary agent; Mr。 A。 P。 Watt; and throwing it on the table with the remark: “There is what I shall be remembered by。” Well do I recall also visiting Mr。 Watt at his office; which then was at 2 Paternoster Square; and finding him out。 As the business was urgent; and I did not wish to have to return; I sat down at his table; asked for some foolscap; and in the hour or two that I had to wait wrote the scene of the destruction of She in the Fire of Life。 This; however; was of course a little while — it may have been a few days — before I delivered the manuscript。
It would seem; therefore; that between January 1885 and March 18; 1886; with my own hand; and unassisted by any secretary; I wrote “King Solomon’s Mines;” “Allan Quatermain;” “Jess;” and “She。” Also I followed m
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