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yours; anne 

m。 frank

friday; march 17; 1944

my dearest darling; everything turned out all right after all; bep just had a sore throat; not the flu; and mr。 kugler got a medical certificate to excuse him from the work detail。 the entire annex breathed a huge sigh of relief。 everythings fine here! except that margot and i are rather tired of our parents。

dont get me wrong。 i still love father as much as ever and margot loves both father and mother; but when youre as old as we are; you want to make a few decisions for yourself; get out from under their thumb。 whenever i go upstairs; they ask what im going to do; they wont let me salt my food; mother asks me every evening at eight…fifteen if it isnt time for me to change into my nighty; i and they have to approve every book i read。 i must admit; theyre not at all strict about that and let me read nearly everything; but margot and i are sick and tired of having to listen to their ments and questions all day long。

theres something else that displeases them: i no longer feel like giving them little kisses morning; noon and night。 all those cute nicknames seem so affected; and fathers fondness for talking about farting and going to the bathroom is disgusting。 in short; id like nothing better than to do without their pany for a while; and they dont understand that。 not that margot and i have ever said any of this to them。 what would be the point? they wouldnt understand anyway。

margot said last night; 〃what really bothers me is that if you happen to put your head in your hands and sigh once or twice; they immediately ask whether you have a headache or dont feel well。”

for both of us; its been quite a blow to suddenly realize that very little remains of the close and harmoni… ous family we used to have at home! this is mostly because everythings out of kilter here。 by that i mean that were treated like children when it es to external matters; while; inwardly; were much older than other girls our age。

even though im only fourteen; i know what i want; i know whos right and whos wrong; i have my own opinions; ideas and principles; and though it may sound odd ing from a teenager; i feel im more of a person than a child …… i feel im pletely independent of others。 i know im better at debating or carrying on a discussion than mother; i know im more objective; i dont exaggerate as much; im much tidier and better with my hands; and because of that i feel (this may make you laugh) that im superior to her in many ways。 to love someone; i have to admire and respect the person; but i feel neither respect nor admiration for mother!

everything would be all right if only i had peter; since i admire him in many ways。

hes so decent and clever!

yours; anne 

m。 frank

saturday; march 18; 1944

dearest kitty;

ive told you more about myself and my feelings than ive ever told a living soul; so why shouldnt that include sex?

parents; and people in general; are very peculiar when it es to sex。 instead of telling their sons and daughters everything at the age of twelve; they send the children out of the room the moment the subject arises and leave them to find out everything on their own。 later on; when parents notice that their children have; somehow; e by their information; they assume they know more (or less) than they actually do。 so why dont they try to make amends by asking them whats what?

a major stumbling block for the adults …… though in my opinion its no more than a pebble …… is that theyre afraid their children will no longer look upon marriage as sacred and pure once they realize that; in most cases; this purity is a lot of nonsense。

as far as im concerned; its not wrong for a man to bring a little experience to a marriage。 after all; it has nothing to do with the marriage itself; does it?

soon after i turned eleven; they told me about menstruation。 but even then; i had no idea where the blood came from or what it was for。 when i was twelve and a half; i learned some more from jacque; who wasnt as ignorant as i was。 my own intuition told me what a man and a woman do when theyre together; it seemed like a crazy idea at first; but when jacque confirmed it; i was proud of myself for having figured it out!

it was also jacque who told me that children didnt e out of their mothers tummies。 as she put it; 〃where the ingredients go in is where the finished product es out!〃 jacque and i found out about the hymen; and quite a few other details; from a book on sex education。 i also knew that you could keep from having children; but how that worked inside your body remained a mystery。 when i came here; father told me about prostitutes; etc。; but all in all there are still unanswered questions。

if mothers dont tell their children everything; they hear it in bits and pieces; and that cant be right。

even though its saturday; im not bored! thats because ive been up in the attic with peter。 i sat there dreaming with my eyes closed; and it was wonderful。

yours; anne 

m。 frank

sunday; march 19; 1944

dearest kitty;

yesterday was a very important day for me。 after lunch everything was as usual。 at five i put on the potatoes; and mother gave me some blood sausage to take to peter。

i didnt want to at first; but i finally went。 he wouldnt accept the sausage; and i had the dreadful feel… ing it was still because of that argument wed had about distrust。

suddenly i couldnt bear it a moment longer and my eyes filled with tears。 without another word; i re… turned the platter to mother and went to the bathroom to have a good cry。 afterward i decided to talk things out with peter。 before dinner the four of us were helping him with a crossword puzzle; so i couldnt say anything。 but as we were sitting down to eat; i whispered to him; 〃are you going to practice your shorthand tonight; peter?”

〃no;〃 was his reply。

〃id like to talk to you later on。”

he agreed。

after the dishes were done; i went to his room and asked if hed refused the sausage because of our last quar… rel。 luckily; that wasnt the reason; he just thought it was bad manners to seem so eager。 it had been very hot downstairs and my face was as red as a lobster。 so after 
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