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Paradise Lost Ⅴ-第8章

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he said; and as the sound of waters deep

hoarce murmur echod to his words applause

through the infinite host; nor less for that

the flaming seraph fearless; though alone ' 875 '

enpassd round with foes; thus answerd bold。

o alienate from god; o spirit accurst;

forsakn of all good; i see thy fall

determind; and thy hapless crew involvd

in this perfidious fraud; contagion spred ' 880 '

both of thy crime and punishment: henceforth

no more be troubld how to quit the yoke

of gods messiah; those indulgent laws

will not now be voutsaft; other decrees

against thee are gon forth without recall; ' 885 '

that golden scepter which thou didst reject

is now an iron rod to bruise and breake

thy disobedience。 well thou didst advise;

yet not for thy advise or threats i fly

these wicked tents devoted; least the wrauth ' 890 '

impendent; raging into sudden flame

distinguish not: for soon expect to feel

his thunder on thy head; devouring fire。

then who created thee lamenting learne;

when who can uncreate thee thou shalt know。 ' 895 '

so spake the seraph abdiel faithful found;

among the faithless; faithful only hee;

among innumerable false; unmovd;

unshakn; unseducd; unterrifid

his loyaltie he kept; his love; his zeale; ' 900 '

nor number; nor example with him wrought

to swerve from truth; or change his constant mind

though single。 from amidst them forth he passd;

long way through hostile scorn; which he susteind

superior; nor of violence feard aught; ' 905 '

and with retorted scorn his back he turnd

on those proud towrs to swift destruction doomd。

the end of the fifth book。


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