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Paradise Lost Ⅴ-第7章

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know whether i be dextrous to subdue

thy rebels; or be found the worst in heavn。

so spake the son; but satan with his powers

far was advanct on winged speed; an host

innumerable as the starrs of night; ' 745 '

or starrs of morning; dew…drops; which the sun

impearls on every leaf and every flouer。

regions they passd; the mightie regencies

of seraphim and potentates and thrones

in thir triple degrees; regions to which ' 750 '

all thy dominion; adam; is no more

then what this garden is to all the earth;

and all the sea; from one entire globose

stretcht into longitude; which having passd

at length into the limits of the north ' 755 '

they came; and satan to his royal seat

high on a hill; far blazing; as a mount

raisd on a mount; with pyramids and towrs

from diamond quarries hewn; and rocks of gold;

the palace of great lucifer; (so call ' 760 '

that structure in the dialect of men

interpreted) which not long after; he

affecting all equality with god;

in imitation of that mount whereon

messiah was declard in sight of heavn; ' 765 '

the mountain of the congregation calld;

for thither he assembld all his train;

pretending so manded to consult

about the great reception of thir king;

thither to e; and with calumnious art ' 770 '

of counterfeted truth thus held thir ears。


Paradise Lost Ⅴ17

thrones; dominations; princedoms; vertues; powers;

if these magnific titles yet remain

not meerly titular; since by decree

another now hath to himself ingrosst ' 775 '

all power; and us eclipst under the name

of king anointed; for whom all this haste

of midnight march; and hurried meeting here;

this onely to consult how we may best

with what may be devisd of honours new ' 780 '

receive him ing to receive from us

knee…tribute yet unpaid; prostration vile;

too much to one; but double how endurd;

to one and to his image now proclaimd?

but what if better counsels might erect ' 785 '

our minds and teach us to cast off this yoke?

will ye submit your necks; and chuse to bend

the supple knee? ye will not; if i trust

to know ye right; or if ye know your selves

natives and sons of heavn possest before ' 790 '

by none; and if not equal all; yet free;

equally free; for orders and degrees

jarr not with liberty; but well consist。

who can in reason then or right assume

monarchie over such as live by right ' 795 '

his equals; if in power and splendor less;

in freedome equal? or can introduce

law and edict on us; who without law

erre not; much less for this to be our lord;

and look for adoration to th abuse ' 800 '

of those imperial titles which assert

our being ordaind to govern; not to serve?

thus farr his bold discourse without controule

had audience; when among the seraphim

abdiel; then whom none with more zeale adord ' 805 '

the deitie; and divine mands obeid;

stood up; and in a flame of zeale severe

the current of his fury thus opposd。


Paradise Lost Ⅴ18

o argument blasphemous; false and proud!

words which no eare ever to hear in heavn ' 810 '

expected; least of all from thee; ingrate

in place thy self so high above thy peeres。

canst thou with impious obloquie condemne

the just decree of god; pronounct and sworn;

that to his only son by right endud ' 815 '

with regal scepter; every soule in heavn

shall bend the knee; and in that honour due

confess him rightful king? unjust thou saist

flatly unjust; to binde with laws the free;

and equal over equals to let reigne; ' 820 '

one over all with unsucceeded power。

shalt thou give law to god; shalt thou dispute

with him the points of libertie; who made

thee what thou art; and formd the powrs of heavn

such as he pleasd; and circumscribd thir being? ' 825 '

yet by experience taught we know how good;

and of our good; and of our dignitie

how provident he is; how farr from thought

to make us less; bent rather to exalt

our happie state under one head more neer ' 830 '

united。 but to grant it thee unjust;

that equal over equals monarch reigne:

thy self though great and glorious dost thou count;

or all angelic nature joind in one;

equal to him begotten son; by whom ' 835 '

as by his word the mighty father made

all things; evn thee; and all the spirits of heavn

by him created in thir bright degrees;

crownd them with glory; and to thir glory namd

thrones; dominations; princedoms; vertues; powers; ' 840 '

essential powers; nor by his reign obscurd;

but more illustrious made; since he the head

one of our number thus reduct bees;

his laws our laws; all honour to him done

returns our own。 cease then this impious rage; ' 845 '

and tempt not these; but hastn to appease

th incensed father; and th incensed son;

while pardon may be found in time besought。


Paradise Lost Ⅴ19

so spake the fervent angel; but his zeale

none seconded; as out of season judgd; ' 850 '

or singular and rash; whereat rejoicd

th apostat; and more haughty thus replid。

that we were formd then saist thou? and the work

of secondarie hands; by task transferd

from father to his son? strange point and new! ' 855 '

doctrin which we would know whence learnt: who saw

when this creation was? rememberst thou

thy making; while the maker gave thee being?

we know no time when we were not as now;

know none before us; self…begot; self…raisd ' 860 '

by our own quickning power; when fatal course

had circld his full orbe; the birth mature

of this our native heavn; ethereal sons。

our puissance is our own; our own right hand

shall teach us highest deeds; by proof to try ' 865 '

who is our equal: then thou shalt behold

whether by supplication we intend

address; and to begirt th almighty throne

beseeching or besieging。 this report;

these tidings carrie to th anointed king; ' 870 '

and fly; ere evil intercept thy flight。

he said; and as the sound of waters deep

hoarce murmur echod to his words applause

through the infini
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