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the moment you know death; you e to realize that it is not。
you believe in its existence only as long as you have not known it。
the experience of ignorance is death; the experience of awareness is immortality。
there are a few more questions which we will be able to discuss during the night session。
now we will sit for the morning meditation。
meditation means death。
meditation means to move into what is; where we are。
therefore one moves into meditation only when one is ready for dying; not otherwise。
be seated with a little distance from each other。
be seated making a little space around yourself。
those who want to lie down; do so beforehand。
also; if someone feels like lying down during the experiment he should do so。
and sit at a little distance from each other so that no one falls over you if someone lies down; or falls over。
close your eyes
leave your eyes relaxed and close the eyelids
leave your eyes relaxed and close the eyelids。
relax your body
relax your body
relax your body
leave the body pletely relaxed as if there is no life in it。
one day life will leave you; so feel it by dropping it now。
one day life will leave you totally; even if you want to keep it; it wont stay。
so pull the same life deep within
ask the life to retreat within; and leave the body relaxed。
go on relaxing the body pletely。
now i will give some suggestions; and you feel them along with me。
the body is relaxing
feel it; the body is relaxing
the body is relaxing
the body is relaxing。
go on loosening it; feel that the body is relaxing
the body is relaxing
the body is relaxing。
the body goes on relaxing
goes on dying
goes on dying。
we are going on slipping inside; there where life is。
let go
let go
let go of the wave; be one with the ocean。
let go of the body pletely; let it fall if it wants to; dont worry about it。
do not prevent it
do not keep any hold over it
let go
the body is relaxing
the body is relaxing
the body is relaxing
the body is relaxing
the body is going on relaxing
the body is relaxing
the body is relaxing。
let go
as if it is dead; as if the body has bee pletely lifeless。
we have slipped withinwards
the consciousness has slipped withinwards
the body has remained just like a shell
if it falls it falls。
the body has relaxed
the body has relaxed
the body has pletely relaxed。
the breathing is calming down
the breathing is calming down。
leave the breathing also relaxed。
the breathing is going on calming down
the breathing is calming down。
retreat back even from the breathing; call your energy back from there too。
the breathing is going on calming down
the breathing is calming down
the breathing is calming down
the breathing is calming sown
the breathing is calming down; is calming down。
leave it relaxed
leave the breathing relaxed
the breathing is going on calming down
the breathing is going on calming down
the breathing has relaxed。
leave the thoughts also
move back from them too
move further back from them。
the thoughts are relaxing
the thoughts are relaxing。
go on feeling
the thoughts are relaxing
the thoughts are relaxing
the thoughts are going on relaxing。
the thoughgts are also dropping
you have moved further back
you have moved further back。
the thoughts are going on calming down
the thoughts are going on calming down
the thoughts are going on calming down
the thoughts have calmed down。
now; for ten minutes just remain awake within; remain conscious within。
look within wakefully。
on the outside; death has happened。
the body is lying down; almost dead; away
we have retreated back
the consciousness has remained lit like a flame。
you are only knowing
only seeing。
remain just a watcher
settle in the seeing。
for ten minutes only go on looking within; do not do anything else; only go on looking。
more inside
go on looking inside
slowly; slowly you would have slipped into depths
as if one goes on falling in a deep well
goes on falling
goes on falling。
for ten minutes just rem
Chapter 7
i teach death
31 october 1969 pm in mediation camp at dwarka; gujarat; india
question 1
a friend has asked: are you teaching people how to die? are you teaching death? you should teach life instead。
he is right; i am indeed teaching people how to die。
i am teaching the art of dying; because one who learns the art of dying bees an expert in the art of living as well。
one who agrees to die bees worthy of living the supreme life。
only those who have known how to erase themselves also e to know how to be。
these may seem like opposite things because we have taken life and death to be opposing each other; contradictory; but they are not。
we have created a false contradiction between the two; and that has produced fatal results。
perhaps nothing has caused so much harm to the human race as this contradiction。
subsequently; this contradiction has had ramifications on many levels。
if we divide things which are essentially one into separate parts …… not only separate but contradictory parts …… the ultimate result can be nothing but the creation of a schizophrenic; insane man。
lets assume there is a place where mad people live。
great difficulty and trouble would arise if these people were to believe that cold and hot were not only separate but contradictory things …… for the simple reason that cold and hot are not contradictory; they are different degrees of qualifying the same thing。
our experience of cold and hot is not absolute; it is very relative。
a little experiment will make this clear。
we always find things which are hot and things which are co