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pour que les grains et les fourrages arrivassent en abondance des pays
dorient。 mais; huit jours; c‘etait un si‘ecle : huit jours n‘ecessitaient une somme immense pour subvenir aux
exigences de la disette; et les pauvres allaient ou expirer dans les angoisses de la faim; ou; reniant les saintes
maximes de levangile;
vendre ‘a vil prix leur ‘ame; le plus beau pr‘esent de la
munificence du seigneur toutpuissant。
et ketty navait plus une obole; car elle avait abandonn‘e son ch‘ateaux aux malheureux。
elle passa douze heures dans les larmes et le deuil; arrachant ses cheveux couleur de soleil et meurtrissant son
sein couleur du lis: puis elle se leva r‘esolue; anim‘ee par un vif sentiment de d‘esespoir。
elle se rendit chez les marchands d‘ames。
que voulez?vous? dirent ils。?
vous achetez des ‘ames??
oui; un peu malgr‘e vous; nest ce pas; sainte aux yeux de sapbir??
aujourdhui je viens vous proposer un march‘e; reprit elle。?
jai une ‘ame ‘a vendre; mais elle est ch‘ere。?
quimporte si elle est pr‘ecieuse? l‘ame; me le diamant; sappr‘ecie ‘a sa blancheur。?
cest la mienne; dit ketty。?
les deux envoy‘es de satan tressaillirent; leurs griffes
sallong‘erent sous leurs gants de cuir; leurs yeux gris
‘etincel‘erent:??l‘ame; pure; immacul‘ee; virginale de ketty c‘etait une acquisition inappr‘eciable。
gentille dame; bien voulez?vouz??
cent cinquante mille ‘ecus dor。?
cest fait; dirent les marchands: et ils tendirent ‘a ketty un parchemin cachet‘e de noir; quelle signa
en frissonnant。
la somme lui fut pt‘ee。
des quelle fut rentr‘ee; elle dit au majordome:
tenez; distribuez ceci。 avec la somme que je vous donne les pauvres attendront la huitaine
n‘ecessaire et pas une de leurs ‘ames ne sera livr‘ee au d‘emon。
puis elle senferma et remanda quon ne vint pas la d‘eranger。
trois jours se pass‘erent; elle nappela pas; elle ne sortit pas。
quand on ouvrit sa porte; on la trouva raide et froide: elle ‘etait morte de douleur。
mais la vente de cette ‘ame si adorable dans sa charit‘e fut d‘eclar‘ee nulle par le seigneur: car elle avait
sauv‘e ses concitoyens de la morte ‘eternelle。
apr‘es la huitaine; des vaisseaux nombreux amen‘erent lirlande affam‘ee dimmenses provisions de grains。
la famine n‘etait plus possible。 quant aux marchands; ils
disparurent de leur h‘otellerie; sans quon s‘ut jamais ce quils ‘etaient devenus。
toutefois; les p‘echeurs de la blackwater pr‘etendent quils sont enchain‘es dans une prison souterraine par
ordre de lucifer jusquau moment o‘u ils pourront livrer l‘ame de ketty qui leur a ‘echapp‘e。 je vous dis la
l‘egende telle que je la sais。
?mais les pauvres lont racont‘e d‘age en ‘age et les enfants de cork et de dublin chantent encore la ballade
dont voici les derniers couplets:?
pour sauver les pauvres quelle aime
ketty donna
son esprit; sa croyance m‘eme
satan paya
cette ‘ame au d‘evoument sublime;
en ‘ecus dor;
disons pour racheter son crime;
mais lange qui se fit coupable
par charit‘e
au s‘ejour damour ineffable
est remont‘e。
satan vaincu neut pas de prise
sur ce coeur dor;
chantons sous la nef de l‘eglise;
nest ce pas que ce r‘ecit; n‘e de limagination des po‘etes catholiques de la verte erin; est une v‘eritable r‘ecit
de car‘eme?
the countess cathleen was acted in dublin in 1899; with mr。 marcus st。 john and mr。 trevor lowe as the
first and second demon; mr。 valentine grace as shemus rua; master charles sefton as teig; madame san
carola as mary; miss florence farr as aleel; miss anna mather as oona; mr。 charles holmes as the
herdsman; mr。 jack wilcox as the gardener; mr。 walford as a peasant; miss dorothy paget as a spirit; miss
m。 kelly as a peasant woman; mr。 t。 e。 wilkinson as a servant; and miss may whitty as the countess
kathleen。 they had to face a very vehement opposition stirred up by a politician and a newspaper; the one
accusing me in a
pamphlet; the other in long articles day after day; of blasphemy because of the language of the demons or of
shemus rua; and because i made a woman sell her soul and yet escape damnation; and of a lack of patriotism
because i made irish men and women; who; it seems; never did such a thing; sell theirs。 the
politician or the newspaper persuaded some forty catholic
students to sign a protest against the play; and a cardinal; who avowed that he had not read it; to make
another; and both
politician and newspaper made such obvious appeals to the
audience to break the peace; that a score or so of police were sent to the theatre to see that they did not。 i had;
however; no reason to regret the result; for the stalls; containing almost all that was distinguished in dublin;
and a gallery of artisans alike insisted on the freedom of literature。
after the performance in 1899 i added the love scene between aleel and the countess; and in this new form
the play was revived in new york by miss wycherley as well as being played a good deal in england and
america by amateurs。 now at last i have made a plete revision to make it suitable for performance at the
abbey theatre。 the first two scenes are almost wholly new; and throughout the play i have added or left out
such passages as a stage experience of some years showed me encumbered the action; the play in its first form
having been written before i knew anything of the theatre。 i have left the old end; however; in the version
printed in the body of this book; because the change for dramatic purposes has been made for no better reason
than that audiences??even at the abbey theatre??are almost ignorant of irish mythology or because a
shallow stage made the elaborate vision of armed angels upon a mountain?side impossible。 the new end is
particularly suited to the abbey stage; where the stage platform can be brought out in front of the prosceniurn
and have a flight of steps at one side up which the angel es; crossing towards the back of the stage at the
opposite side。 the principal lighting is from two arc lights in the balcony which throw