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A Short History of Nearly Everything-第25章

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rief interview to determine if theywere fit to be admitted at all。 they then had to return a second time to pick up a ticket—that isassuming they had passed the interview—and finally e back a third time to view themuseum’s treasures。 even then they were whisked through in groups and not allowed tolinger。 owen’s plan was to wele everyone; even to the point of encouraging workingmento visit in the evening; and to devote most of the museum’s space to public displays。 he evenproposed; very radically; to put informative labels on each display so that people couldappreciate what they were viewing。 in this; somewhat unexpectedly; he was opposed by t。 h。

huxley; who believed that museums should be primarily research institutes。 by making thenatural history museum an institution for everyone; owen transformed our expectations ofwhat museums are for。

still; his altruism in general toward his fellow man did not deflect him from more personalrivalries。 one of his last official acts was to lobby against a proposal to erect a statue inmemory of charles darwin。 in this he failed—though he did achieve a certain belated;inadvertent triumph。 today his statue mands a masterly view from the staircase of themain hall in the natural history museum; while darwin and t。 h。 huxley are consignedsomewhat obscurely to the museum coffee shop; where they stare gravely over peoplesnacking on cups of tea and jam doughnuts。

it would be reasonable to suppose that richard owen’s petty rivalries marked the low pointof nineteenth…century paleontology; but in fact worse was to e; this time from overseas。 inamerica in the closing decades of the century there arose a rivalry even more spectacularlyvenomous; if not quite as destructive。 it was between two strange and ruthless men; edwarddrinker cope and othniel charles marsh。

they had much in mon。 both were spoiled; driven; self…centered; quarrelsome; jealous;mistrustful; and ever unhappy。 between them they changed the world of paleontology。

they began as mutual friends and admirers; even naming fossil species after each other;and spent a pleasant week together in 1868。 however; something then went wrong betweenthem—nobody is quite sure what—and by the following year they had developed an enmitythat would grow into consuming hatred over the next thirty years。 it is probably safe to saythat no two people in the natural sciences have ever despised each other more。

marsh; the elder of the two by eight years; was a retiring and bookish fellow; with a trimbeard and dapper manner; who spent little time in the field and was seldom very good atfinding things when he was there。 on a visit to the famous dinosaur fields of o bluff;wyoming; he failed to notice the bones that were; in the words of one historian; “lyingeverywhere like logs。” but he had the means to buy almost anything he wanted。 although hecame from a modest background—his father was a farmer in upstate new york—his uncle was the supremely rich and extraordinarily indulgent financier george peabody。 when marshshowed an interest in natural history; peabody had a museum built for him at yale andprovided funds sufficient for marsh to fill it with almost whatever took his fancy。

cope was born more directly into privilege—his father was a rich philadelphiabusinessman—and was by far the more adventurous of the two。 in the summer of 1876 inmontana while george armstrong custer and his troops were being cut down at little bighorn; cope was out hunting for bones nearby。 when it was pointed out to him that this wasprobably not the most prudent time to be taking treasures from indian lands; cope thought fora minute and decided to press on anyway。 he was having too good a season。 at one point heran into a party of suspicious crow indians; but he managed to win them over by repeatedlytaking out and replacing his false teeth。

for a decade or so; marsh and cope’s mutual dislike primarily took the form of quietsniping; but in 1877 it erupted into grandiose dimensions。 in that year a coloradoschoolteacher named arthur lakes found bones near morrison while out hiking with a friend。

recognizing the bones as ing from a “gigantic saurian;” lakes thoughtfully dispatchedsome samples to both marsh and cope。 a delighted cope sent lakes a hundred dollars for histrouble and asked him not to tell anyone of his discovery; especially marsh。 confused; lakesnow asked marsh to pass the bones on to cope。 marsh did so; but it was an affront that hewould never forget。

it also marked the start of a war between the two that became increasingly bitter;underhand; and often ridiculous。 they sometimes stooped to one team’s diggers throwingrocks at the other team’s。 cope was caught at one point jimmying open crates that belonged tomarsh。 they insulted each other in print and each poured scorn on the other’s results。

seldom—perhaps never—has science been driven forward more swiftly and successfully byanimosity。 over the next several years the two men between them increased the number ofknown dinosaur species in america from 9 to almost 150。 nearly every dinosaur that theaverage person can name—stegosaurus; brontosaurus; diplodocus; triceratops—was found byone or the other of them。

1unfortunately; they worked in such reckless haste that they oftenfailed to note that a new discovery was something already known。 between them theymanaged to “discover” a species calleduintatheres anceps no fewer than twenty…two times。 ittook years to sort out some of the classification messes they made。 some are not sorted outyet。

of the two; cope’s scientific legacy was much the more substantial。 in a breathtakinglyindustrious career; he wrote some 1;400 learned papers and described almost 1;300 newspecies of fossil (of all types; not just dinosaurs)—more than double marsh’s output in bothcases。 cope might have done even more; but unfortunately he went into a rather precipitatedescent in his later years。 having inherited a fortune in 1875; he invested unwisely in silverand lost everything。 he ended up living in a single room in a philadelphia boarding house;surrounded by books; papers; and bones。 marsh by contrast finished his days in a splendidmansion in new 
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