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which pushed his ideas increasingly outof favor。 “eventually;” according to the scientist and historian jeffrey schwartz; “darwin lostvirtually all the support that still remained among the ranks of fellow natural historians andgeologists。”
ironically; considering that darwin called his book on the origin of species; the one thinghe couldn’t explain was how species originated。 darwin’s theory suggested a mechanism forhow a species might bee stronger or better or faster—in a word; fitter—but gave noindication of how it might throw up a new species。 a scottish engineer; fleeming jenkin;considered the problem and noted an important flaw in darwin’s argument。 darwin believedthat any beneficial trait that arose in one generation would be passed on to subsequentgenerations; thus strengthening the species。
jenkin pointed out that a favorable trait in one parent wouldn’t bee dominant insucceeding generations; but in fact would be diluted through blending。 if you pour whiskeyinto a tumbler of water; you don’t make the whiskey stronger; you make it weaker。 and if youpour that dilute solution into another glass of water; it bees weaker still。 in the same way;any favorable trait introduced by one parent would be successively watered down bysubsequent matings until it ceased to be apparent at all。 thus darwin’s theory was not a recipefor change; but for constancy。 lucky flukes might arise from time to time; but they wouldsoon vanish under the general impulse to bring everything back to a stable mediocrity。 ifnatural selection were to work; some alternative; unconsidered mechanism was required。
unknown to darwin and everyone else; eight hundred miles away in a tranquil corner ofmiddle europe a retiring monk named gregor mendel was ing up with the solution。
mendel was born in 1822 to a humble farming family in a backwater of the austrianempire in what is now the czech republic。 schoolbooks once portrayed him as a simple butobservant provincial monk whose discoveries were largely serendipitous—the result ofnoticing some interesting traits of inheritance while pottering about with pea plants in themonastery’s kitchen garden。 in fact; mendel was a trained scientist—he had studied physicsand mathematics at the olmütz philosophical institute and the university of vienna—and hebrought scientific discipline to all he did。 moreover; the monastery at brno where he livedfrom 1843 was known as a learned institution。 it had a library of twenty thousand books and atradition of careful scientific investigation。
before embarking on his experiments; mendel spent two years preparing his controlspecimens; seven varieties of pea; to make sure they bred true。 then; helped by two full…timeassistants; he repeatedly bred and crossbred hybrids from thirty thousand pea plants。 it wasdelicate work; requiring them to take the most exacting pains to avoid accidental cross…fertilization and to note every slight variation in the growth and appearance of seeds; pods;leaves; stems; and flowers。 mendel knew what he was doing。
he never used the word gene —it wasn’t coined until 1913; in an english medicaldictionary—though he did invent the terms dominant and recessive。 what he established wasthat every seed contained two “factors” or “elemente;” as he called them—a dominant oneand a recessive one—and these factors; when bined; produced predictable patterns ofinheritance。
the results he converted into precise mathematical formulae。 altogether mendel spenteight years on the experiments; then confirmed his results with similar experiments onflowers; corn; and other plants。 if anything; mendel was too scientific in his approach; forwhen he presented his findings at the february and march meetings of the natural historysociety of brno in 1865; the audience of about forty listened politely but was conspicuouslyunmoved; even though the breeding of plants was a matter of great practical interest to manyof the members。
when mendel’s report was published; he eagerly sent a copy to the great swiss botanistkarl…wilhelm von n?geli; whose support was more or less vital for the theory’s prospects。
unfortunately; n?geli failed to perceive the importance of what mendel had found。 hesuggested that mendel try breeding hawkweed。 mendel obediently did as n?geli suggested;but quickly realized that hawkweed had none of the requisite features for studying heritability。
it was evident to him that n?geli had not read the paper closely; or possibly at all。 frustrated;mendel retired from investigating heritability and spent the rest of his life growingoutstanding vegetables and studying bees; mice; and sunspots; among much else。 eventuallyhe was made abbot。
mendel’s findings weren’t quite as widely ignored as is sometimes suggested。 his studyreceived a glowing entry in the encyclopaedia britannica —then a more leading record ofscientific thought than now—and was cited repeatedly in an important paper by the germanwilhelm olbers focke。 indeed; it was because mendel’s ideas never entirely sank below thewaterline of scientific thought that they were so easily recovered when the world was readyfor them。
together; without realizing it; darwin and mendel laid the groundwork for all of lifesciences in the twentieth century。 darwin saw that all living things are connected; thatultimately they “trace their ancestry to a single; mon source;” while mendel’s workprovided the mechanism to explain how that could happen。 the two men could easily havehelped each other。 mendel owned a german edition of the origin of species; which he isknown to have read; so he must have realized the applicability of his work to darwin’s; yet heappears to have made no effort to get in touch。 and darwin for his part is known to havestudied focke’s influential paper with its repeated references to mendel’s work; but didn’tconnect them to his own studies。
the one thing everyone thinks featured in darwin’s argument; that humans are descendedfrom apes; didn’t feature at all except as one passing allusion。 even so; it took no great leap ofimagination to see the implications for human development in darwin’s theories; and itbecame an immediate talking point。