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he foggy shore behind them。

。d  。


the first thing will did was to make lyra sit down; and then he took out the little pot of bloodmoss ointment and looked at the wound on her head。 it was bleeding freely; as scalp wounds do; but it wasnt deep。 he tore a strip off the edge of his shirt and mopped it clean; and spread some of the ointment over the gash;

trying not to think of the filthy state of the claw that made it。

lyras eyes were glazed; and she was ash…pale。

〃lyra! lyra!〃 he said; and shook her gently。 〃e on now; weve got to move。〃

she gave a shudder and took a long; shaky breath; and her eyes focused on him; full of a wild despair。

〃will; i cant do it anymore; i cant do it! i cant tell lies! i thought it was so easy; but it didnt work; its all i can do; and it doesnt work!〃

〃its not all you can do。 you can read the alethiometer; cant you? e on; lets see where we are。 lets look for roger。〃

he helped her up; and for the first time they looked around at the land where the ghosts were。

they found themselves on a great plain that extended far ahead into the mist。 the light by which they saw was a dull self…luminescence that seemed to exist everywhere equally; so that there were no true shadows and no true light; and everything was the same dingy color。

standing on the floor of this huge space were adults and children; ghost people; so many that lyra couldnt guess their number。 at least; most of them were standing; though some were sitting and some lying down listless or asleep。 no one was moving about; or running or playing; though many of them turned to look at these new arrivals; with a fearful curiosity in their wide eyes。

〃ghosts;〃 she whispered。 〃this is where they all are; everyone thats ever died。。。〃

no doubt it was because she didnt have pantalaimon anymore; but she clung close to wills arm; and he was glad she did。 the gallivespians had flown ahead; and he could see their bright little forms darting and skimming over the heads of the ghosts; who looked up and followed them with wonder; but the silence was immense and oppressive; and the gray light filled him with fear; and lyras warm presence beside him was the only thing that felt like life。

behind them; outside the wall; the screams of the harpies were still echoing up and down the shore。 some of the ghost people were looking up apprehensively; but more of them were staring at will and lyra; and then they began to crowd forward。 lyra shrank back; she didnt have the strength just yet to face them as she would have liked to do; and it was will who had to speak first。

〃do you speak our language?〃 he said。 〃can you speak at all?〃

shivering and frightened and full of pain as he and lyra were; they had more authority than the whole mass of the dead put together。 these poor ghosts had little power of their own; and hearing wills voice; the first clear voice that had sounded there in all the memory of the dead; many of them came forward; eager to respond。

but they could only whisper。 a faint; pale sound; no more than a soft breath; was all they could utter。 and as they thrust forward; jostling and desperate; the gallivespians flew down and darted to and from in front of them; to prevent them from crowding too close。 the ghost children looked up with a passionate longing; and lyra knew at once why: they thought the dragonflies were daemons; they were wishing with all their hearts that they could hold their own daemons again。

〃oh; they ent daemons;〃 lyra burst out passionately; 〃and if my own daemon was here; you could all stroke him and touch him; i promise。。。”

and she held out her hands to the children。 the adult ghosts hung back; listless or fearful; but the children all came thronging forward。 they had as much substance as fog; poor things; and lyras hands passed through and through them; as did wills。 they crammed forward; light and lifeless; to warm themselves at the flowing blood and the strong…beating hearts of the two travelers; and both will and lyra felt a succession of cold; delicate brushing sensations as the ghosts passed through their bodies; warming themselves on the way。 the two living children felt that little by little they were being dead; too; they hadnt got an infinite amount of life and warmth to give; and they were so cold already; and the endless crowds pressing forward looked as if they were never going to stop。

finally lyra had to plead with them to hold back。

she held up her hands and said; 〃please; we wish we could touch you all; but we came down here to look for someone; and i need you to tell me where he is and how to find him。 oh; will;〃 she said; leaning her head to his; 〃i wish i knew what to do!〃

the ghosts were fascinated by the blood on lyras forehead。 it glowed as brightly as a holly berry in the dimness; and several of them had brushed through it; longing for the contact with something so vibrantly alive。 one ghost girl; who when she was alive must have been about nine or ten; reached up shyly to try and touch it; and then shrank back in fear; but lyra said; 〃dont be afraid; we ent e here to hurt you; speak to us; if you can!〃

the ghost girl spoke; but in her thin; pale voice; it was only a whisper。

〃did the harpies do that? did they try and hurt you?〃

〃yeah;〃 said lyra; 〃but if thats all they can do; i ent worried about them。〃

〃oh; it isnt; oh; they do worse。。。”

〃what? what do they do?〃

but they were reluctant to tell her。 they shook their heads and kept silent; until one boy said; 〃it ent so bad for them thats been here hundreds of years; because you get tired after all that time; they cant fraid you up so much。。。”

〃its the new ones that they like talking to most;〃 said the first girl。 〃its just。。 。oh; its just hateful。 they。。。 i cant tell you。〃

their voices were no louder than dry leaves falling。 and it was only the children who spoke; the adults all seemed sunk in a lethargy so ancient that they might never move or speak again。

〃listen;〃 said lyra; 〃please listen。 we came here; me and my friends; because we got to find a boy called roger。 he ent been here long; just a few weeks; so he wont know ve
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