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bribe me; they threaten and fight; nothing works。 you cant hurt me; sting as you will。 better fort the child; shes ing; take no notice of me。〃
will could hardly watch。 lyra was doing the cruelest thing she had ever done; hating herself; hating the deed; suffering for pan and with pan and because of pan; trying to put him down on the cold path; disengaging his cat claws from her clothes; weeping; weeping。 will closed his ears: the sound was too unhappy to bear。 time after time she pushed her daemon away; and still he cried and tried to cling。
she could turn back。
she could say no; this is a bad idea; we mustnt do it。
she could be true to the heart…deep; life…deep bond linking her to pantalaimon; she could put that first; she could push the rest out of her mind…
but she couldnt。
〃pan; no ones done this before;〃 she whispered shiveringly; 〃but will says were ing back and i swear; pan; i love you; i swear were ing back; i will; take care; my dear; youll be safe; we will e back; and if i have to spend every minute of my life finding you again; i will; i wont stop; i wont rest; i wont; oh; pan; dear pan; ive got to; ive got to。。。〃
and she pushed him away; so that he crouched bitter and cold and frightened on the muddy ground。
what animal he was now; will could hardly tell。 he seemed to be so young; a cub; a puppy; something helpless and beaten; a creature so sunk in misery that it was more misery than creature。 his eyes never left lyras face; and will could see her making herself not look away; not avoid the guilt; and he admired her honesty and her courage at the same time as he was wrenched with the shock of their parting。 there were so many vivid currents of feeling between them that the very air felt electric to him。
and pantalaimon didnt ask why; because he knew; and he didnt ask whether lyra loved roger more than him; because he knew the true answer to that; too。 and he knew that if he spoke; she wouldnt be able to resist; so the daemon held himself quiet so as not to distress the human who was abandoning him; and now they were both pretending that it wouldnt hurt; it wouldnt be long before they were together again; it was all for the best。 but will knew that the little girl was tearing her heart out of her breast。
then she stepped down into the boat。 she was so light that it barely rocked at all。 she sat beside will; and her eyes never left pantalaimon; who stood trembling at the shore end of the jetty; but as the boatman let go of the iron ring and swung his oars out to pull the boat away; the little dog daemon trotted helplessly out to the very end; his claws clicking softly on the soft planks; and stood watching; just watching; as the boat drew away and the jetty faded and vanished in the mist。
then lyra gave a cry so passionate that even in that muffled; mist…hung world it raised an echo; but of course it wasnt an echo; it was the other part of her crying in turn from the land of the living as lyra moved away into the land of the dead。
〃my heart; will。。。〃 she groaned; and clung to him; her wet face contorted with pain。
and thus the prophecy that the master of jordan college had made to the librarian; that lyra would make a great betrayal and it would hurt her terribly; was fulfilled。
but will; too; found an agony building inside him; and through the pain he saw that the two gallivespians; clinging together just as he and lyra were doing; were moved by the same anguish。
part of it was physical。 it felt as if an iron hand had gripped his heart and was pulling it out between his ribs; so that he pressed his hands to the place and vainly tried to hold it in。 it was far deeper and far worse than the pain of losing his fingers。 but it was mental; too: something secret and private was being dragged into the open; where it had no wish to be; and will was nearly overe by a mixture of pain and shame and fear and self…reproach; because he himself had caused it。
and it was worse than that。 it was as if hed said; 〃no; dont kill me; im frightened; kill my mother instead; she doesnt matter; i dont love her;〃 and as if shed heard him say it; and pretended she hadnt so as to spare his feelings; and offered herself in his place anyway because of her love for him。 he felt as bad as that。 there was nothing worse to feel。
so will knew that all those things were part of having a daemon; and that whatever his daemon was; she; too; was left behind; with pantalaimon; on that poisoned and desolate shore。 the thought came to will and lyra at the same moment; and they exchanged a tear…filled glance。 and for the second time in their lives; hut not the last; each of them saw their own expression on the others face。
only the boatman and the dragonflies seemed indifferent to the journey they were making。 the great insects were fully alive and bright with beauty even in the clinging mist; shaking their filmy wings to dislodge the moisture; and the old man in his sacking robe leaned forward and back; forward and back; bracing his bare feet against the slime…puddled floor。
the journey lasted longer than lyra wanted to measure。 though part of her was raw with anguish; imagining pantalaimon abandoned on the shore; another part was adjusting to the pain; measuring her own strength; curious to see what would happen and where they would land。
wills arm was strong around her; but he; too; was looking ahead; trying to peer through the wet gray gloom and to hear anything other than the dank splash of the oars。 and presently something did change: a cliff or an island lay ahead of them。 they heard the enclosing of the sound before they saw the mist darken。
the boatman pulled on one oar to turn the boat a little to the left。
〃where are we?〃 said the voice of the chevalier tialys; small but strong as ever; though there was a harsh edge to it; as if he; too; had been suffering pain。
〃near the island;〃 said the boatman。 〃another five minutes; well be at the landing stage。〃
〃what island?〃 said will。 he found his own voice strained; too; so tight it hardly seemed his。
〃the gate to the land of the dead is on this island;〃 said the boatman。 〃everyone es here; kings; queens; murderers; poets; childr