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the parrot
once upon a time there was a merchant who was supposed to go away on business; but he was afraid to leave his daughter at home by herself; as a certain king had designs on her。
〃dear daughter;〃 he said; 〃im leaving; but you must promise not to stick your head out of the door or let anyone in until i get back。〃
now that very morning the daughter had seen a handsome parrot in the tree outside her window。 he was a well…bred parrot; and the maiden had delighted in talking with him。
〃father;〃 she replied; 〃it just breaks my heart to have to stay home all by myself。 couldnt i at least have a parrot to keep me pany?〃
the merchant; who lived only for his daughter; went out at once to get her a parrot。 he found an old man who sold him one for a song。 he took the bird to his daughter; and after much last…minute advice to her; he set out on his trip。
no sooner was the merchant out of sight than the king began devising a way to join the maiden。 he enlisted an old woman in his scheme and sent her to the girl with a letter。
in the meantime the maiden got into conversation with the parrot。 〃talk to me; parrot。〃
〃i will tell you a good story。 once upon a time there was a king who had a daughter。 she was an only child; with no brothers or sisters; nor did she have any playmates。 so they made her a doll the same size as herself; with a face and clothes exactly like her own。 everywhere she went the doll went too; and no one could tell them apart。 one day as king; daughter; and doll drove through the woods in their carriage; they were attacked by enemies who killed the king and carried off his daughter; leaving the doll behind in the abandoned carriage。 the maiden screamed and cried so; the enemies let her go; and she wandered off into the woods by herself。 she eventually reached the court of a certain queen and became a servant。 she was such a clever girl that the queen liked her better all the time。 the other servants grew jealous and plotted her downfall。 you are aware; of course; they said; that the queen likes you very much and tells you everything。 but theres one thing which we know and you dont。 she had a son who died。 at that; the maiden went to the queen and asked; majesty; is it true that you had a son who died? upon hearing those words; the queen almost fainted。 heaven help anyone who recalled that fact! the penalty for mentioning that dead son was no less than death。 the maiden too was condemned to die; but the queen took pity on her and had her shut up in a dungeon instead。 there the girl gave way to despair; refusing all food and passing her nights weeping。 at midnight; as she sat there weeping; she heard the door bolts slide back; and in walked five men: four of them were sorcerers and the fifth was the queens son; their prisoner; whom they were taking out for exercise。〃
at that moment; the parrot was interrupted by a servant bearing a letter for the merchants daughter。 it was from the king; who had finally managed to get it to her。 but the girl was eager to hear what happened next in the tale; which had reached the most exciting part; so she said; 〃i will receive no letters until my father returns。 parrot; go on with your story。〃
the servant took the letter away; and the parrot continued。 〃in the morning the jai