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所守或匪亲, 化为狼与豺, 

朝避猛虎, 夕避长蛇, 

磨牙吮血, 杀人如麻。 

锦城虽云乐, 不如早还家。 

蜀道之难难于上青天, 侧身西望常咨嗟。 


li bai

hard roads in shu

oh; but it is high and very dangerous! 

such travelling is harder than scaling the blue sky。 

。。。until two rulers of this region 

pushed their way through in the misty ages; 

forty…eight thousand years had passed 

with nobody arriving across the qin border。 

and the great white mountain; westward; still has only a birds path 

up to the summit of emei peak …… 

which was broken once by an earthquake and there were brave men lost; 

just finishing the stone rungs of their ladder toward heaven。 

。。。high; as on a tall flag; six dragons drive the sun; 

while the river; far below; lashes its twisted course。 

such height would be hard going for even a yellow crane; 

so pity the poor monkeys who have only paws to use。 

the mountain of green clay is formed of many circles… 

each hundred steps; we have to turn nine turns among its mound …… 

panting; we brush orion and pass the well star; 

then; holding our chests with our hands and sinking to the ground with a groan; 

we wonder if this westward trail will never have an end。 

the formidable path ahead grows darker; darker still; 

with nothing heard but the call of birds hemmed in by the ancient forest; 

male birds smoothly wheeling; following the females; 

and there e to us the melancholy voices of the cuckoos 

out on the empty mountain; under the lonely moon。。。。 

such travelling is harder than scaling the blue sky。 

even to hear of it turns the cheek pale; 

with the highest crag barely a foot below heaven。 

dry pines hang; head down; from the face of the cliffs; 

and a thousand plunging cataracts outroar one another 

and send through ten thousand valleys a thunder of spinning stones。 

with all this danger upon danger; 

why do people e here who live at a safe distance? 

。。。though dagger…tower pass be firm and grim; 

and while one man guards it 

ten thousand cannot force it; 

what if he be not loyal; 

but a wolf toward his fellows? 

。。。there are ravenous tigers to fear in the day 

and venomous reptiles in the night 

with their teeth and their fangs ready 

to cut people down like hemp。 

though the city of silk be delectable; i would rather turn home quickly。 

such travelling is harder than scaling the blue sky。。。。 

but i still face westward with a dreary moan。 





长相思, 在长安。 

络纬秋啼金井阑, 微霜凄凄簟色寒。 

孤灯不明思欲绝, 卷帷望月空长叹。 

美人如花隔云端, 上有青冥之长天, 


天长路远魂飞苦, 梦魂不到关山难。 

长相思, 摧心肝。 


li bai

endless yearning i

〃i am endlessly yearning 

to be in changan。 

。。。insects hum of autumn by the gold brim of the well; 

a thin frost glistens like little mirrors on my cold mat; 

the high lantern flickers; and。 deeper grows my longing。 

i lift the shade and; with many a sigh; gaze upon the moon; 

single as a flower; centred from the clouds。 

above; i see the blueness and deepness of sky。 

below; i see the greenness and the restlessness of water。。。。 

heaven is high; earth wide; bitter between them flies my sorrow。 

can i dream through the gateway; over the mountain? 

endless longing 

breaks my heart。〃 





日色已尽花含烟, 月明欲素愁不眠。 

赵瑟初停凤凰柱, 蜀琴欲奏鸳鸯弦。 

此曲有意无人传, 愿随春风寄燕然。 

忆君迢迢隔青天, 昔日横波目, 


不信妾肠断, 归来看取明镜前。 


li bai

endless yearning ii

〃the sun has set; and a mist is in the flowers; 

and the moon grows very white and people sad and sleepless。 

a zhao harp has just been laid mute on its phoenix holder; 

and a shu lute begins to sound its mandarin…duck strings。。。。 

since nobody can bear to you the burden of my song; 

would that it might follow the spring wind to yanran mountain。 

i think of you far away; beyond the blue sky; 

and my eyes that once were sparkling 

are now a well of tears。 

。。。oh; if ever you should doubt this aching of my heart; 

here in my bright mirror e back and look at me!〃 





金樽清酒斗十千, 玉盘珍羞值万钱。 

停杯投箸不能食, 拔剑四顾心茫然。 

欲渡黄河冰塞川, 将登太行雪暗天。 

闲来垂钓碧溪上, 忽复乘舟梦日边。 

行路难! 行路难! 

多歧路, 今安在? 

长风破浪会有时, 直挂云帆济沧海。 


li bai

the hard road

pure wine costs; for the golden cup; ten thousand coppers a flagon; 

and a jade plate of dainty food calls for a million coins。 

i fling aside my food…sticks and cup; i cannot eat nor drink。。。。 

i pull out my dagger; i peer four ways in vain。 

i would cross the yellow river; but ice chokes the ferry; 

i would climb the taihang mountains; but the sky is blind with snow。。。。 

i would sit and poise a fishing…pole; lazy by a brook …… 

but i suddenly dream of riding a boat; sailing for the sun。。。。 

journeying is hard; 

journeying is hard。 

there are many turnings …… 

which am i to follow?。。。。 

i will mount a long wind some day and break the heavy waves 

and set my cloudy sail straight and bridge the deep; deep sea。 





大道如青天, 我独不得出。 

羞逐长安社中儿, 赤鸡白狗赌梨栗。 

弹剑作歌奏苦声, 曳裾王门不称情。 

淮阴市井笑韩信, 汉朝公卿忌贾生。 

君不见, 昔时燕家重郭隗, 


剧辛乐毅感恩分, 输肝剖胆效英才。 

昭王白骨萦蔓草, 谁人更扫黄金台? 

行路难, 归去来? 


li bai

hard is the way of the world ii

the way is broad like the blue sky; 

but no way out before my eye。 

i am ashamed to follow those who have no guts; 

gambling on fighting cocks and dogs for pears and nuts。 

feng would go homeward way; having no fish to eat; 

zhou did not think to bow to noblemen was meet。 

general han was mocked in the market…place; 

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