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4 breaking dawn破晓-第10章

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that I might recognize someone in the smoldering pyres。 

The Volturi soldiers stood in a circle around something or someone; and I heard their whispery voices 
raised in agitation。 I edged closer to the cloaks; pelled by the dream to see whatever thing or person 
they were examining with such intensity。 Creeping carefully between two of the tall hissing shrouds; I 
finally saw the object of their debate; raised up on a little hillock above them。 

He was beautiful; adorable; just as Carlisle had described。 The boy was a toddler still; maybe two years 
of age。 Light brown curls framed his cherubic face with its round cheeks and full lips。 And he was 
trembling; his eyes closed as if he was too frightened to watch death ing closer every second。 

I was struck with such a powerful need to save the lovely; terrified child that the Volturi; despite all their 
devastating menace; no longer mattered to me。 I shoved past them; not caring if they realized my 
presence。 Breaking free of them altogether; I sprinted toward the boy。 

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Only to stagger to a halt as I got a clear view of the hillock that he sat upon。 It was not earth and rock; 
but a pile of human bodies; drained and lifeless。 Too late not to see these faces。 I knew them all 
—Angela; Ben; Jessica; Mike。。。。 And directly beneath the adorable boy were the bodies of my father 
and my mother。 

The child opened his bright; bloodred eyes。 


My own eyes flew open。 

I lay shivering and gasping in my warm bed for several minutes; trying to break free of the dream。 The 
sky outside my window turned gray and then pale pink while I waited for my heart to slow。 

When I was fully back to the reality of my messy; familiar room; I was a little annoyed with myself。 What 
a dream to have the night before my wedding! That's what I got for obsessing over disturbing stories in 
the middle of the night。 

Eager to shake off the nightmare; I got dressed and headed down to the kitchen long before I needed to。 
First I cleaned the already tidy rooms; and then when Charlie was up I made him pancakes。 I was much 
too keyed up to have any interest in eating breakfast myself—I sat bouncing in my seat while he ate。 

〃You're picking up Mr。 Weber at three o'clock;〃 I reminded him。 

〃I don't have that much to do today besides bring the minister; Bells。 I'm not likely to forget my only 
job。〃 Charlie had taken the entire day off for the wedding; and he was definitely at loose ends。 Now and 
then; his eyes flickered furtively to the closet under the stairs; where he kept his fishing gear。 

〃That's not your only job。 You also have to be dressed and presentable。〃 

He scowled into his cereal bowl and muttered the words 〃monkey suit〃 under his breath。 

There was a brisk tapping on the front door。 

〃You think you have it bad;〃 I said; grimacing as I rose。 〃Alice will be working on me all day long。〃 

Charlie nodded thoughtfully; conceding that he did have the lesser ordeal。 I ducked in to kiss the top of 
his head as I passed—he blushed and harrumphed —and then continued on to get the door for my best 
girlfriend and soontobe sister。 

Alice's short black hair was not in its usual spiky do—it was smoothed into sleek pin curls around her 
pixie face; which wore a contrastingly businesslike expression。 She dragged me from the house with 
barely a 〃Hey; Charlie〃 

called over her shoulder。 

Alice appraised me as I got into her Porsche。 

〃Oh; hell; look at your eyes!〃 She tsked in reproach。 〃What did you do? Stay up all night?〃 

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She glowered。 〃I've only allotted so much time to make you stunning; Bella—you might have taken 
better care of my raw material。〃 

〃No one expects me to be stunning。 I think the bigger problem is that I might fall asleep during the 
ceremony and not be able to say 1 do' at the right part; and then Edward will make his escape。〃 

She laughed。 〃I'll throw my bouquet at you when it gets close。〃 


〃At least you'll have plenty of time to sleep on the plane tomorrow。〃 

I raised one eyebrow。 Tomorrow; I mused。 If we were heading out tonight after the reception; and we 
would still be on a plane tomorrow。。。 well; we weren't going to Boise; Idaho。 Edward hadn't dropped a 
single hint。 I wasn't too stressed about the mystery; but it was strange not knowing where I would be 
sleeping tomorrow night。 Or hopefully not sleeping 。。。 

Alice realized that she'd given something away; and she frowned。 

〃You're all packed and ready;〃 she said to distract me。 

It worked。 〃Alice; I wish you would let me pack my own things!〃 

〃It would have given too much away。〃 

〃And denied you an opportunity to shop。〃 

〃You'll be my sister officially in ten short hours。。。 it's about time to get over this aversion to new clothes。〃 

I glowered groggily out the windshield until we were almost to the house。 

〃Is he back yet?〃 I asked。 

〃Don't worry; he'll be there before the music starts。 But you don't get to see him; no matter when he gets 
back。 We're doing this the traditional way。〃 

I snorted。 〃Traditional!〃 

〃Okay; aside from the bride and groom。〃 

〃You know he's already peeked。〃 

〃Oh no—that's why I'm the only one who's seen you in the dress。 I've been very careful to not think 
about it when he's around。〃 

〃Well;〃 I said as we turned into the drive; 〃I see you got to reuse your graduation decorations。〃 Three 
miles of drive were once again wrapped in hundreds of thousands of twinkle lights。 This time; she'd 
added white satin bows。 

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〃Waste not; want not。 Enjoy this; because you don't get to see the inside decorations until it's time。〃 She 
pulled into the cavernous garage north of the main house; Emmett's big Jeep was still gone。 

〃Since when is the bride not allowed to see the decorations?〃 I protested。 

〃Since she put me in charge。 I want you to get th
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