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2 new+moon新月-第41章

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But this was only first gear。 My foot itched toward the gearshift as I twisted for more gas。 

〃No; Bella!〃 the angry; honeysweet voice ordered in my ear。 〃Watch what you're doing!〃 

It distracted me enough from the speed to realize that the road was starting a slow curve to the left; and I 
was still going straight。 Jacob hadn't told me how to turn。 

〃Brakes; brakes;〃 I muttered to myself; and I instinctively slammed down with my right foot; like I would 
in my truck。 

The bike was suddenly unstable underneath me; shivering first to one side and then the other。 It was 
dragging me toward the green wall; and I was going too fast。 I tried to turn the handlebar the other 
direction; and the sudden shift of my weight pushed the bike toward the ground; still spinning toward the 

The motorcycle landed on top of me again; roaring loudly; pulling me across the wet sand until it hit 
something stationary。 I couldn't see。 My face was mashed into the moss。 I tried to lift my head; but there 
was something in the way。 

I was dizzy and confused。 It sounded like there were three things snarling—the bike over me; the voice in 
my head; and something else… 

〃Bella!〃 Jacob yelled; and I heard the roar of the other bike cut off。 

The motorcycle no longer pinned me to the ground; and I rolled over to breathe。 All the growling went 

〃Wow;〃 I murmured。 I was thrilled。 This had to be it; the recipe for a hallucination—adrenaline plus 
clanger plus stupidity。 Something close to that; anyway。 

〃Bella!〃 Jacob was crouching over me anxiously。 〃Bella; are you alive?〃 

〃I'm great!〃 I enthused。 I flexed my arms and legs。 Everything seemed to be working correctly。 〃Let's do 

〃I don't think so。〃 Jacob still sounded worried。 〃I think I'd better drive you to the hospital first。〃 


〃Um; Bella? You've got a huge cut on your forehead; and it's gushing blood;〃 he informed me。 

I clapped my hand over my head。 Sure enough; it was wet and sticky。 I could smell nothing but the damp 
moss on my face; and that held off the nausea。 

〃Oh; I'm so sorry; Jacob。〃 I pushed hard against the gash; as if I could force the blood back inside my 

〃Why are you apologizing for bleeding?〃 he wondered as he wrapped a long arm around my waist and 
pulled me to my feet。 〃Let's go。 I'll drive。〃 He held out his hand for the keys。 

〃What about the bikes?〃 I asked; handing them over。 

He thought for a second。 〃Wait here。 And take this。〃 He pulled off his Tshirt; already spotted with 
blood; and threw it to me。 I wadded it up and held it tightly to my forehead。 I was starting to smell the 
blood; I breathed deeply through my mouth and tried to concentrate on something else。 

Jacob jumped on the black motorcycle; kicked it to a start in one try; and raced back down the road; 
spraying sand and pebbles behind him。 He looked athletic and professional as he leaned over the 
handlebars; head low; face forward; his shiny hair whipping against the russet skin of his back。 My eyes 
narrowed enviously。 I was sure I hadn't looked like that on my motorcycle。 

I was surprised at how far I'd gone。 I could barely see Jacob in the distance when he finally got to the 
truck。 He threw the bike into the bed and sprinted to the driver's side。 

I really didn't feel bad at all as he coaxed my truck to a deafening roar in his hurry to get back to me。 My 
head stung a little; and my stomach was uneasy; but the cut wasn't serious。 Head wounds just bled more 
than most。 His urgency wasn't necessary。 

Jacob left the truck running as he raced back to me; wrapping his arm around my waist again。 

〃Okay; let's get you in the truck。〃 

〃I'm honestly fine;〃 I assured him as he helped me in。 〃Don't get worked up。 It's just a little blood。〃 

〃Just a lot of blood;〃 I heard him mutter as he went back for my bike。 

〃Now; let's think about this for a second;〃 I began when he got back in。 〃If you take me to the ER like 
this; Charlie is sure to hear about it。〃 I glanced down at the sand and dirt caked into my jeans。 

〃Bella; I think you need stitches。 I'm not going to let you bleed to death。〃 

〃I won't;〃 I promised。 〃Let's just take the bikes back first; and then we'll make a stop at my house so I 
can dispose of the evidence before we go to the hospital。〃 

〃What about Charlie?〃 

〃He said he had to work today。〃 

〃Are you really sure?〃 

〃Trust me。 I'm an easy bleeder。 It's not nearly as dire as it looks。〃 

Jacob wasn't happy—his full mouth turned down in an uncharacteristic frown—but he didn't want to get 
me in trouble。 I stared out the window; holding his ruined shirt to my head; while he drove me to Forks。 

The motorcycle was better than I'd dreamed。 It had served its original purpose。 I'd cheated—broken my 
promise。 I'd been needlessly reckless。 I felt a little less pathetic now that the promises had been broken 
on both sides。 

And then to discover the key to the hallucinations! At least; I hoped I had。 I was going to test the theory 
as soon as possible。 Maybe they'd get through with me quickly in the ER; and I could try again tonight。 

Racing down the road like that had been amazing。 The feel of the wind in my face; the speed and the 
freedom… it reminded me of a past life; flying through the thick forest without a road; piggyback while he 
ran—I stopped thinking right there; letting the memory break off in the sudden agony。 I flinched。 

〃You still okay?〃 Jacob checked。 

〃Yeah。〃 I tried to sound as convincing as before。 

〃By the way;〃 he added。 〃I'm going to disconnect your foot brake tonight。〃 

At home; I went to look at myself in the mirror first thing; it was pretty gruesome。 Blood was drying in 
thick streaks across my cheek and neck; matting in my muddy hair。 I examined myself clinically; 
pretending the blood was paint so it wouldn't upset my stomach。 I breathed through my mouth; and was 

I washed up as well as I could。 Then I hid my dirty; bloody clothes in the bottom of my laundry basket; 
putting on new jeans and a buttonup shirt (that I didn't have to pull over my head) as carefully as I could。
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