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奥兰多orlando (英文版)作者:弗吉尼亚·伍尔芙-第9章

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 says that nothing thicker than a knife’s blade separates happiness from melancholy; and he goes on to opine that one is twin fellow to the other; and draws from this the conclusion that all extremes of feeling are allied to madness; and so bids us take refuge in the true Church (in his view the Anabaptist); which is the only harbour; port; anchorage; etc。; he said; for those tossed on this sea。

‘All ends in death;’ Orlando would say; sitting upright; his face clouded with gloom。 (For that was the way his mind worked now; in violent see–saws from life to death; stopping at nothing in between; so that the biographer must not stop either; but must fly as fast as he can and so keep pace with the unthinking passionate foolish actions and sudden extravagant words in which; it is impossible to deny; Orlando at this time of his life indulged。)

‘All ends in death;’ Orlando would say; sitting upright on the ice。 But Sasha who after all had no English blood in her but was from Russia where the sunsets are longer; the dawns less sudden; and sentences often left unfinished from doubt as to how best to end them—Sasha stared at him; perhaps sneered at him; for he must have seemed a child to her; and said nothing。 But at length the ice grew cold beneath them; which she disliked; so pulling him to his feet again; she talked so enchantingly; so wittily; so wisely (but unfortunately always in French; which notoriously loses its flavour in translation) that he forgot the frozen waters or night ing or the old woman or whatever it was; and would try to tell her—plunging and splashing among a thousand images which had gone as stale as the women who inspired them—what she was like。 Snow; cream; marble; cherries; alabaster; golden wire? None of these。 She was like a fox; or an olive tree; like the waves of the sea when you look down upon them from a height; like an emerald; like the sun on a green hill which is yet clouded—like nothing he had seen or known in England。 Ransack the language as he might; words failed him。 He wanted another landscape; and another tongue。 English was too frank; too candid; too honeyed a speech for Sasha。 For in all she said; however open she seemed and voluptuous; there was something hidden; in all she did; however daring; there was something concealed。 So the green flame seems hidden in the emerald; or the sun prisoned in a hill。 The clearness was only outward; within was a wandering flame。 It came; it went; she never shone with the steady beam of an Englishwoman—here; however; remembering the Lady Margaret and her petticoats; Orlando ran wild in his transports and swept her over the ice; faster; faster; vowing that he would chase the flame; dive for the gem; and so on and so on; the words ing on the pants of his breath with the passion of a poet whose poetry is half pressed out of him by pain。

But Sasha was silent。 When Orlando had done telling her that she was a fox; an olive tree; or a green hill–top; and had given her the whole history of his family; how their house was one of the most ancient in Britain; how they had e from Rome with the Caesars and had the right to walk down the Corso (which is the chief street in Rome) under a tasselled palanquin; which he said is a privilege reserved only for those of imperial blood (for there was an orgulous credulity about him which was pleasant enough); he would pause and ask her; Where was her own house? What was her father? Had she brothers? Why was she here alone with her uncle? Then; somehow; though she answered readily enough; an awkwardness would e between them。 He suspected at first that her rank was not as high as she would like; or that she was ashamed of the savage ways of her people; for he had heard that the women in Muscovy wear beards and the men are covered with fur from the waist down; that both sexes are smeared with tallow to keep the cold out; tear meat with their fingers and live in huts where an English noble would scruple to keep his cattle; so that he forebore to press her。 But on reflection; he concluded that her silence could not be for that reason; she herself was entirely free from hair on the chin; she dressed in velvet and pearls; and her manners were certainly not those of a woman bred in a cattle–shed。

What; then; did she hide from him? The doubt underlying the tremendous force of his feelings was like a quicksand beneath a monument which shifts suddenly and makes the whole pile shake。 The agony would seize him suddenly。 Then he would blaze out in such wrath that she did not know how to quiet him。 Perhaps she did not want to quiet him; perhaps his rages pleased her and she provoked them purposely—such is the curious obliquity of the Muscovitish temperament。

To continue the story—skating farther than their wont that day they reached that part of the river where the ships had anchored and been frozen in midstream。 Among them was the ship of the Muscovite Embassy flying its double–headed black eagle from the main mast; which was hung with many–coloured icicles several yards in length。 Sasha had left some of her clothing on board; and supposing the ship to be empty they climbed on deck and went in search of it。 Remembering certain passages in his own past; Orlando would not have marvelled had some good citizens sought this refuge before them; and so it turned out。 They had not ventured far when a fine young man started up from some business of his own behind a coil of rope and saying; apparently; for he spoke Russian; that he was one of the crew and would help the Princess to find what she wanted; lit a lump of candle and disappeared with her into the lower parts of the ship。

Time went by; and Orlando; wrapped in his own dreams; thought only of the pleasures of life; of his jewel; of her rarity; of means for making her irrevocably and indissolubly his own。 Obstacles there were and hardships to overe。 She was determined to live in Russia; where there were frozen rivers and wild horses and men; she said; who gashed each other’s throats open。 It is true that a landscape of pine and snow; habits of lust and slaughter; did not entice him。 Nor was he anxious to cease his pleasant country ways of sport and tree–planting;
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