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奥兰多orlando (英文版)作者:弗吉尼亚·伍尔芙-第21章

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of man; moreover; works with equal strangeness upon the body of time。 An hour; once it lodges in the queer element of the human spirit; may be stretched to fifty or a hundred times its clock length; on the other hand; an hour may be accurately represented on the timepiece of the mind by one second。 This extraordinary discrepancy between time on the clock and time in the mind is less known than it should be and deserves fuller investigation。 But the biographer; whose interests are; as we have said; highly restricted; must confine himself to one simple statement: when a man has reached the age of thirty; as Orlando now had; time when he is thinking bees inordinately long; time when he is doing bees inordinately short。 Thus Orlando gave his orders and did the business of his vast estates in a flash; but directly he was alone on the mound under the oak tree; the seconds began to round and fill until it seemed as if they would never fall。 They filled themselves; moreover; with the strangest variety of objects。 For not only did he find himself confronted by problems which have puzzled the wisest of men; such as What is love? What friendship? What truth? but directly he came to think about them; his whole past; which seemed to him of extreme length and variety; rushed into the falling second; swelled it a dozen times its natural size; coloured it a thousand tints; and filled it with all the odds and ends in the universe。

In such thinking (or by whatever name it should be called) he spent months and years of his life。 It would be no exaggeration to say that he would go out after breakfast a man of thirty and e home to dinner a man of fifty–five at least。 Some weeks added a century to his age; others no more than three seconds at most。 Altogether; the task of estimating the length of human life (of the animals’ we presume not to speak) is beyond our capacity; for directly we say that it is ages long; we are reminded that it is briefer than the fall of a rose leaf to the ground。 Of the two forces which alternately; and what is more confusing still; at the same moment; dominate our unfortunate numbskulls—brevity and diuturnity—Orlando was sometimes under the influence of the elephant–footed deity; then of the gnat–winged fly。 Life seemed to him of prodigious length。 Yet even so; it went like a flash。 But even when it stretched longest and the moments swelled biggest and he seemed to wander alone in deserts of vast eternity; there was no time for the smoothing out and deciphering of those scored parchments which thirty years among men and women had rolled tight in his heart and brain。 Long before he had done thinking about Love (the oak tree had put forth its leaves and shaken them to the ground a dozen times in the process) Ambition would jostle it off the field; to be replaced by Friendship or Literature。 And as the first question had not been settled—What is Love?—back it would e at the least provocation or none; and hustle Books or Metaphors of What one lives for into the margin; there to wait till they saw their chance to rush into the field again。 What made the process still longer was that it was profusely illustrated; not only with pictures; as that of old Queen Elizabeth; laid on her tapestry couch in rose–coloured brocade with an ivory snuff–box in her hand and a gold–hilted sword by her side; but with scents—she was strongly perfumed—and with sounds; the stags were barking in Richmond Park that winter’s day。 And so; the thought of love would be all ambered over with snow and winter; with log fires burning; with Russian women; gold swords; and the bark of stags; with old King James’ slobbering and fireworks and sacks of treasure in the holds of Elizabethan sailing ships。 Every single thing; once he tried to dislodge it from its place in his mind; he found thus cumbered with other matter like the lump of glass which; after a year at the bottom of the sea; is grown about with bones and dragon–flies; and coins and the tresses of drowned women。

‘Another metaphor by Jupiter!’ he would exclaim as he said this (which will show the disorderly and circuitous way in which his mind worked and explain why the oak tree flowered and faded so often before he came to any conclusion about Love)。 ‘And what’s the point of it?’ he would ask himself。 ‘Why not say simply in so many words—’ and then he would try to think for half an hour;—or was it two years and a half?—how to say simply in so many words what love is。 ‘A figure like that is manifestly untruthful;’ he argued; ‘for no dragon–fly; unless under very exceptional circumstances; could live at the bottom of the sea。 And if literature is not the Bride and Bedfellow of Truth; what is she? Confound it all;’ he cried; ‘why say Bedfellow when one’s already said Bride? Why not simply say what one means and leave it?’

So then he tried saying the grass is green and the sky is blue and so to propitiate the austere spirit of poetry whom still; though at a great distance; he could not help reverencing。 ‘The sky is blue;’ he said; ‘the grass is green。’ Looking up; he saw that; on the contrary; the sky is like the veils which a thousand Madonnas have let fall from their hair; and the grass fleets and darkens like a flight of girls fleeing the embraces of hairy satyrs from enchanted woods。 ‘Upon my word;’ he said (for he had fallen into the bad habit of speaking aloud); ‘I don’t see that one’s more true than another。 Both are utterly false。’ And he despaired of being able to solve the problem of what poetry is and what truth is and fell into a deep dejection。

And here we may profit by a pause in his soliloquy to reflect how odd it was to see Orlando stretched there on his elbow on a June day and to reflect that this fine fellow with all his faculties about him and a healthy body; witness cheeks and limbs—a man who never thought twice about heading a charge or fighting a duel—should be so subject to the lethargy of thought; and rendered so susceptible by it; that when it came to a question of poetry; or his own petence in it; he was as shy as a little girl behind her mother’s cottage door。 In our belief; Greene’s ridicule of his tragedy hurt him as
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