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 have screamed; but couldn‘t catch his breath; and his hands fell limp。 His eyes never left her; and after a moment O‘Toole realized that she had somehow caused whatever it was。 O‘Toole‘s first instinct was to take his hand and say that everything was all right; but she knew instantly that it wasn‘t true。
‘Oh; God。。。 oh; God。。。 Pam。‘ The look on what ought to have been a ruggedly handsome face was one of black despair。
‘She was with me;‘ Kelly told Rosen a few minutes later。 ‘Do you know anything; doc?‘
‘The police will be here in a few minutes; John; but; no; I don‘t know anything。 Maybe they took her to another hospital。‘ He tried to hope。 But Sam knew that it was a lie; and he hated himself for lying。 He made a show of taking Kelly‘s vital signs; something Sandy could have done just as well; before examining his patient‘s back。 ‘You‘re going to be okay。 How‘s the shoulder?‘
‘Not real great; Sam;‘ Kelly replied; still groggy。 ‘How bad?‘
‘Shotgun … you took quite a bit; but … was the window on the car rolled up?‘
‘Yeah;‘ Kelly said; remembering the rain。
‘That‘s one of the things that saved you。 The shoulder muscles are pretty beaten up; and you damned near bled to death; but there won‘t be any permanent damage except for some scarring。 I did the job myself。‘
Kelly looked up。 ‘Thanks; Sam。 Pain isn‘t so bad 。。。 worse the last time I …‘
‘Quiet down; John;‘ Rosen ordered gently; giving the neck a close look。 He made a mental note to order a plete new set of X rays just to make sure there wasn‘t something he had missed; maybe close to the spine。 ‘The pain medication will kick in pretty fast。 Save the heroics。 We don‘t award points for that here。 ‘Kay?‘
‘Aye aye。 Please … check the other hospitals for Pam; okay?‘ Kelly asked; hope yet in his voice though he knew better; too。
Two uniformed officers had been waiting the whole time for Kelly to e out from under。 Rosen brought in the older of the two a few minutes later。 The questioning was brief; on doctor‘s orders。 After confirming his identity; they asked about Pam; they already had a physical description from Rosen; but not a surname; which Kelly had to provide。 The officers made note of his appointment with Lieutenant Allen and left after a few minutes as the victim started to fade out。 The shock of the shooting and surgery; added to the pain medications; would diminish the value of what he said anyway; Rosen pointed out。
‘So who‘s the girl?‘ the senior officer asked。
‘I didn‘t even know her last name until a couple minutes ago;‘ Rosen said; seated in his office。 He was dopey from lack of sleep; and his mentary suffered as well。 ‘She was addicted to barbiturates when we met them … she and Kelly were living together; I suppose。 We helped her clean up。‘
‘Who‘s ";we";?‘
‘My wife; Sarah。 She‘s a pharmacologist here。 You can talk to her if you want。‘
‘We will;‘ the officer assured him。 ‘What about Mr Kelly?‘
‘Ex…Navy; Vietnam vet。‘
‘Do you have any reason to believe that he‘s a drug user; sir?‘
‘Not a chance;‘ Rosen answered; a slight edge on his voice。 ‘His physical condition is too good for that; and I saw his reaction when we found out that Pam was using pills。 I had to calm him down。 Definitely not an addict。 I‘m a physician; I would have noticed。‘
The policeman was not overly impressed; but accepted it at face value。 The detectives would have a lot of fun with this one; he thought。 What had appeared to be a simple robbery was now at least a kidnapping as well。 Wonderful news。 ‘So what was he doing in that part of town?‘
‘I don‘t know;‘ Sam admitted。 ‘Who‘s this Lieutenant Allen?‘
‘Homicide; Western District;‘ the cop explained。
‘I wonder why they had an appointment。‘
‘That‘s something we‘ll get from the Lieutenant; sir。‘
‘Was this a robbery?‘
‘Probably。 It sure looks that way。 We found his wallet a block away; no cash; no credit cards; just his driver‘s license。 He also had a handgun in his car。 Whoever robbed him must have missed that。 That‘s against the law; by the way;‘ the cop noted。 Another officer came in。
‘I checked the name again …1 knew I heard it before。 He did a job for Allen。 Remember last year; the Gooding case?‘
The senior man looked up from his notes。 ‘Oh; yeah! He‘s the guy who found the gun?‘
‘Right; and he ended up training our divers。‘
‘It still doesn‘t explain what the hell he was doing over there;‘ the cop pointed out。
‘True;‘ his partner admitted。 ‘But it makes it hard to believe he‘s a player。‘
The senior officer shook his head。 ‘There was a girl with him。 She‘s missing。‘
‘Kidnapping; too? What do we have on her?‘
‘Just a name。 Pamela Madden。 Twenty; recovering doper; missing。 We have Mr Kelly; his car; his gun; and that‘s it。 No shells from the shotgun。 No witnesses at all。 A missing girl; probably; but a description that could fit ten thousand local girls。 Robbery…kidnapping。‘ All in all; not that atypical a case。 They often started off knowing damned little。 In any case; the two uniformed officers had mainly determined that the detectives would take this one over almost immediately。
‘She wasn‘t from around here。 She had an accent; Texas; somewhere out there。‘
‘What else?‘ the senior officer asked。 ‘e on; doc; anything you know; okay?‘
Sam grimaced。 ‘She had been the victim of sexual abuse。 She might have been a hooker。 My wife said … hell; I saw it; evidence of scars on her back。 She‘d been whipped; some permanent scarring from welts; that sort of thing。 We didn‘t press; but she might have been a prostitute。‘
‘Mr Kelly has strange habits and acquaintances; doesn‘t he?‘ the officer observed while making notes。
‘From what you just said; he helps cops; too; doesn‘t he?‘ Professor Rosen was getting angry。 ‘Anything else? I have rounds to make。‘
‘Doctor; what we have here is a definite attempted murder; probably as part of a robbery; and maybe a kidnapping also。 Those are serious crimes。 I have procedures to follow; just like you do。 When will Kelly be up for a real interview?‘
‘Tomorrow; probably; but he‘s going to be very rocky for a couple of days。‘
‘Is ten in the m
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